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Incorporating Theory and Review Literature

Essentially, behavioural activation treatment for key depressive disorders and respective remedial approaches has formed the centre focus of this project. It is notable that, behavioural activation in treating depression remains the most appropriate theory that can be applied in this project. Behavioural activation in treating depression theory focuses on action scheduling to persuade patients to approach deeds that they are avoiding consequently, analysis of the function of cognitive processes serves as prerequisite to avoidance.   This theory states that when people become depressed majority of their actions function as avoidance and escape (Veale & Neziroglu, 2010).

Rationale of selecting the theory

The rationale of selecting this theory depends on a number of variables, which include causes of depression, level of depression and the target group. It is imperative to note that, the theory will reciprocate the expected outcome on condition that, all the attributed factors (variables) are considered (Corr, 2008).


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How the theory works

The theory works in a complex manner due to the dynamics exhibited in the attributed variables. Behavioural activation is beached in learning theory and background functionalism (Veale & Willson, 2007). The operational mode of this theory is not founded on the internal cause of depression, which include interior conflicts or feelings but rather on the whole event and to some degree the variables that may manipulate the occurrence of disobliging responses.

How the theory will be incorporated into the project

Incorporation of this theory to the project id possible through the development of a well defined formulation system (Veale, 2008). This system should be made in such way that, it gives focus on social context and the manner in which it shapes the behaviour coping aspect in patients. It is imperative to note that, the formulation process should entail the determination of the contextual factors involved in an individual’s thinking and way of responding towards factors maintaining their disheartened mood (Veale, 2008). Incorporation of this theory into the project requires clear-cut determination of the nature of escape and avoidance. This aid in planning appropriate substitute approaching behaviours. 



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