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Manifesto to Freedom

“On Mr. Paine’s Rights of Man” is a poem by Philip Freneau, an American poet. It was written in 1795 and is dedicated to the American Revolution and an abstract political tract written by Thomas Paine. Although, it tributes not to Paine specifically, but to all pioneers of human rights. It supports ideas of a new American society, where all people should be equal.

The poem sounds optimistic and patriotically, it declares democratic values. Though America is a country “Where some are masters born, and million slaves”, the author believes that it has a bright future in case it throws off the shackles of kings. Those ruling the country consider themselves to be beyond the natural laws, drive common people to wars, oppress them at home and withdraw money for royal whims. Those, who were not lucky to be born in a monarchy family, should endure and obey without reservation. Kings are the “source of discord, patrons of all wrong / on blood and murder had been fed too long”. The author believes it is time to “haste the period that shall crush them all”. He is confident that America deserves a better future: “Columbia, hail! Immortal be thy reign…” Without monarchy laws will protect people and the whole country will flourish and become a guardian of justice and a land of prosperity.


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The poem sounds very persuasively. The reader resents the atrocities of kings and compassionates to common people. It goes without saying that democracy instead of monarchy and equality instead of hierarchy form the foundation for an advanced country. For a modern society these values are essential. Thus, the poem arises the feeling of optimism and patriotism.

“On Mr. Paine’s Rights of Man” is a real manifesto to human values. It raises a significant question of people’s freedom and equal opportunities. The only way to build a thriving society is to give all its members a right for a decent life.



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