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Symbolism in The Divine Comedy

1. Beatrice in Vita Nuova presented like a guiding star for Dante. He details the history of his love for Beatrice which gradually ascends from the wordless admiration for the sublime and reverent worship. Dante hopes that in the future he will be able to "say about her is that was never said about any girl’. Indeed, in the “Divine Comedy” Beatrice appears to the narrator in the shape of saint whose place is in Paradise but still in a shape of women. Lately, Dante finds her among the angels in Empirey – the highest level of the Universe. She was a part of eternal river of light, not actually a human anymore. Dante understands that she finally became a part of pure love and innocence, heading into the light and regaining peace and serenity.

2. The three heavenly ladies which Dante met in Inferno were Mary, the mother of Christ, Saint Lucia, the patroness of good eyesight, an early Christian who was executed for her beliefs and Beatrice – the authors great love. Three the most important women in Dante’s life are representing three periods of a Christian faith from its emergence to 13-th century. They came to guide him, to help him to get through symbolizing the place and meaning of the Christian ideals in authors life.


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3. Ciacco was an awesome character, he could predict future events. Dante starts asking Ciacco about the future of Florence. In addition, according to Ciacco, the three main sins are responsible for all disaster of Florence. They are the pride, envy, and avarice. It reminds us of the three beasts symbolizing. Also, Dante often does not understand all Ciacco`s words and prophecy’s. Actually, the events Ciacco is talking about has already happened by the time Dante wrote the “Divine Comedy”.



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