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Violence among Young People
  1. Mature people tend to be more tolerant, however, children have no clear understanding of the fact that it is normal to be different from the rest, and as they are often quite cruel they tease and bully their schoolmates who are different from the majority of pupils. It is difficult for the victims of bullying to understand why others do not like them, they feel offended and misunderstood. Moreover, they can not understand why what they do differently is perceived by others as being wrong. Usually adults are unaware of bullying and can not help, listen to or counsel the victims. As a result, the bullied child becomes offish, tries not to express the qualities that are not accepted by others; such children feel hostility towards the bullies. If such a child is very sensitive and is not helped by peers or adults, outbursts of aggression towards those who offended them are quite possible, which in some cases might lead to grave results. This is why it is important for school administration to pay close attention to what is happening among pupils and prevent bullying.
  2. Young people most affected by the Littleton events were those who have already had qualities which distinguished them from the majority and which made their high school life difficult, for example, playing computer games a lot or particular preferences in clothing. Time spent in high schools was difficult because their peers paid attention to their particular features and often even bullied them, so these children did not have calm social life. After the Littleton killings, adults started paying attention to and tried to eliminate every expression of what is considered anti-social behavior. As a result, such children’s life has become even more challenging and deprived of understanding of both their peers and adults.
  3. Increased awareness of bullying has not caused a crackdown on bullies; instead parents and school administrations try to make all the children fit within the social norm for everyone to be similar, taking measures against what they think is anti-social behavior. If children play computer games a lot or spend much time online and are bullied for it, instead of trying to make bullies stop their improper behavior, schools and parents do the opposite. Parents might take the computer away; school administration might make the children who play violent computer games face counseling. Often adults do not take the side of the victims of bullying and do not realize how bad those children feel, moreover they try to eliminate aspects that they find wrong, these often coincide with the things the child is bullied for; with such actions they are doing more harm to such children and making them feel even more misunderstood.
  4. Despite the general opinion that children are now more often engaged in violent behavior as a result of increased presence of violence in movies, computer games and on the Internet, Katz claims that in reality violence among children is dropping. There is also no evidence that presence of violence in games, films and on the Internet has a great effect on violence among children. Some blame availability of guns as a cause of violent conduct, but there is also no evidence of this fact, moreover, despite the fact that the availability of guns is rising, level of crimes against teenagers have been decreasing. Therefore, despite the usual opinion that children have become more violent nowadays, there is no proof of this fact.
  5. Video games might be considered a cause of school violence; however, there is no proof that it is so. On the contrary, even as the use of computer games has risen, the fact that video games encourage violence among young people does not show up in the statistics regarding computer users. Children, unlike adults who are concerned with violence among young people, usually do not perceive games seriously, it is rather a source of entertainment, and therefore, they hardly understand why adults think that video games encourage violence. Children like video games because they are fun, enhance imagination and are a tool for spending free time in an interesting way when there is no one to share this time with. Generally, children perceive video games as a simple form of entertainment that does not dictate their behavior in real life; they often see other causes of violence among young people, for example, bullying that inspires rage towards peers.


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