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Should You Stop Learning during Summer?

Summer usually begins with the excitement and anticipation, but after a couple of weeks, many parents start worrying about their children’s computer, TV and video games addiction. Every parent wants to find ways to help kids to find the perfect balance between leisure and learning.

Teachers also are doing everything possible to boost students’ educational interest during summer because it helps to improve children’s progress throughout their formative years. Luckily, to provide parents with support, many public schools across the USA have developed new programs for keeping children’s minds active while away from classes on summer break.

Summer Assignments

While most public school teachers encourage children to continue education during the vacations, some school leaders provide even the required public school summer assignments.

Specifically, more than 170,000 public school students are being provided with lesson plans, reading assignments and workbooks for the summer months. With a new educational program that has a target to avoid education-free summers, Chicago Public Schools have dedicated more than $2.5 million towards helping children remain engaged throughout the entire year. 


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Public School Initiatives

Traverse City Area Public Schools in Michigan have updated the summer reading lists for all the students starting with elementary and ending with high school. The lists are posted online and help children to peruse recommendations for graduates. Besides, they have implemented a couple of reading initiatives, including reading programs in libraries and providing take-home books for students. Some of the most successful programs in the area involve providing freshmen with reading clubs that offer students weekly prize drawings and raffles.

Online Education

Wooster Public Schools in Ohio have started online forums for advanced summer programs. They have created the Virtual Learning Academy, operated through the Tri-County Educational Service Center. It can greatly help students who have fallen behind during the study semester. For instance, if you have failed a certain course, you can retake available sections and learn the material at your own virtual pace. The program allows you to complete your work anytime and anywhere, so you can work on the material participating daily or weekly. Moreover, the instructors check and assess your progress.

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Of course, summer is the time for rest and fun, but if you want to keep your mind sharp, you should devote some time to education, as well.


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