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Nationalism and Power in Middle East

Nationalism can be refers to as the patriotic feeling that an individual have towards his or her nation. It pertains the political ideologies and other strong identifications as far as a given groups or individuals are concerned in relation to a nation. When analyzing the issues of nationalism, there are two parallel issues that one needs to take into consideration. One is the issues of primordial’s perspective that describes nationalism as a tendency for a particular group of people to organize in a distinct group based on or representing their affinity for birth. The other one is the modernist perspective which differently describes nationalism as the recent phenomena that is responsible of a modern society with conditions that are for a better improvement.

Therefore nationalism can be limited to citizenship in a state in terms of the religious, ethnic and cultural practices among others. Therefore the term tribe gives a clear description of a wide range for the social and society in the Middle East. Take the case of the notion as related to the tribe which still takes prevalence in archeological debates and other discussions which depicts the organization through the band and state. The outcome formulation then means that the tribe is more of evolution ladder and particularly independent towards the state. Both when the earlier and current historic events are considered, it is found to be that the tribes and state do exists in support of one another to an extent that they can even realized as overlapping to one another.


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Similarly it can be noted that Nation is an issue of state orientation while the idea of nationalism is about the ideologies which are responsible of promoting an individual’s identity against another one. When it comes to the issues of disregarding the identifications of the tribes and their identities then, the views of some intellectuals within the Middle East are seen to adapt some of the evolution views which. These views try to assume that tribe is out of the fragments of the state or as a result of the pre-residual formations of state. In both views of either the past or the present, tribe is found to relate to an idea of family resemblances and the possession of any overlapping share of identities or other cultural practices. Different from depending on the past concerning the tribe as far as the Arabians are concerned and the middle east then the matters of identity can be found to be an issue of national identity in accordance to the modern values and guiding principles.

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The Arab nationalism of the modern origin was able to develop a backlash towards the colonialization of both the Middle East for that of the western powers like that of Britain and France among others. Therefore despite of the decolonization, imperialism was highly maintained by the European out of the sympathetic conformist of the monarchs together with the construction of the entire informal empire. Arab nationalism thus continued to take part in a prominent function in Middle Eastern and all other global politics of Cold War (Abd, & Dawod,2003).

Arab Nationalism played a significant role in the Cold War since oil and gas which was being supplied out of the Middle East were much important in sustaining the two communities of European and the American in terms of economies. Therefore on recognizing this, Soviet Union, sought a way of competing with those form the West to get the influence in that region with a clear intention of gaining an advantage of the global bi-polar as a far as the power struggle was about. Therefore as a result of all these, a severe reduction of the possibility for political influence from the Western to access was reduced and all other vital resources were severely threatened. Western policies later were found to be often aggressive and highly misguided.

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From the end of the Second World War, the Middle East has always experienced some problems as far as the social and economic together with the political status are concerned. This has caused a great impact on the region together with the entire international region. Take for example the creation resulting from the Israel state which was able to lay a foundation on the Arab with Israel tension. This tension was being fueled by the Arab expression and sentiments of the Egyptians.

Tensions could often result throughout the conflict and most notably during or after Six Day of the War in the year 1967. This also could result to the Yom Kippur to erupt into War within six years later. These occurrences then could as an outcome make the Middle East a site for Cold War with a lot of confrontation towards the US and other Soviet Union organizations thus providing all the possible moral support as much as they could manage besides the material support which helped the involved the warring parties to accomplish their target as planned.

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However, to some extent the association of the Arab-Israeli resulting conflict did not by any means make a major contribution or it by no means contributed largely or give an account for almost all the resulting problems and any other challenges that associated with the Middle East. Just as the Iranian Revolution which occurred in the year between 1978 and the year 1979 could result to a high loss of the Cold War friends which had a linkage to the United States as an international organ, it consequently set a similar scene that resulted to a protracted conflict which was among the Iran and Iraq.

Therefore despite of the resulting end of this Cold War, one of the international bodies which were the US kept on and observedits presence just within and in the Middle East though ensuring a major lead for the whole of the international coalition and unit against the leadership of the then president Saddam Hussein from invading the Kuwait between the year 1990 and the year 1991. Hence from the onset of these ‘War resulting from Terror made the international intervention of the US return into the Middle East with high intentions of invading Iraq in 2003. Since then, a lot of research with thorough analysis has made a significant contribution which has continued to give a clear demonstration that international system.

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This system which had influence on the matter is experiencing quite a number of structural changes which are believed to increasingly making a clear shift of the locus pertaining to the power out of the state. This power is being given to the individual who can make appropriate contributions in making leadership. Therefore Over the recent past almost two years, significant events have made a clear demonstration that, Middle East was or is not by any ways immune to any resulting and such propagating transformations. This could be as from the beginning together with Tunisia quite late in the year 2010 where a number all the best and well-established in terms of political regimes and influences have made a great fall across all the involved regions.

Those countries which have a great reputation towards and for their state dominion and violence, the social media has been entirely used and properly utilized to make these grievances made public. The medial has also given a major contribution in ensuring that quite a good number of demonstrations are organized and held as planned. Therefore out of this respect, all the organized protests that later came to be made public and known as being the Arab Spring could have a common factor and that is the dissatisfaction as far as the lack of more economic opportunities together with the political freedoms were concerned.

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As the unrests which are involved both in Libya and Syria shows, quite the entire positive impact and conclusion towards the Arab Spring can be seen to remain far from definite. Continued unrest for these countries did not only influence the security apathies of the Middle East in terms of relationship with others but also the strategic scheming of the regional actors.

The economic and demographic tribulations fueled the common uprising opposition to regimes which had been in power just for quite a long period of time in terms of decades.

The nationalists are seen in the context at which the Second World War, in which the Soviet and US emerged out to be the two major and main adversaries for the Middle East. Here, Washington accepted a tactic designed in a way that it could deter Soviets from carrying out further developments in order to deny them time from important oil resources both in Iran and other places but within the region. Thus this strategy which was later known as the Truman Doctrine was essentially targeted making a defeat at the Soviets through any possible means and in relation to the short of direct means of military confrontation.

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Thus for the Middle East when it came to such strategy it gave an impression which meant that the US was to fit the vacuum left by the other two previous colonial powers for which was France and Britain. Now the US got on an open diplomatic and some of the military interventionism just within the Middle Eastern region. It therefore did some approaches which were; a firmly supporting for anti-communist conformist rulers whom could be just after war came and hence being under increasing pressure resulting from peoples who expected quite a great opportunity for more political autonomy and freedom together with social justice. In such case, for Washington the impression did not make any difference on whether the governments was going to be either arctic or autocratic and democratic, but they had the mind that no problem as long as all of them were against communist and thus were willing to be in line with all the West.

Another approach thus consisted in ways of treating both the communists and the socialists with even nationalists as being the ideologically monolithic. There were no differences hence recognized just among them. The nationalist reformer therefore was not in any minimal way worse rather than Marxist communist. Another one was the three dimensions which they required that in order for these people to make an achievement by the American strategic plans and goals, any possible means of military confrontation together with the Soviet could thus be deployed. Hence the Economic and the military assistance with both cash distribution and other bilateral and multi-lateral pacts had to be used as a way of promoting and ensuring American interests. Thus Political together with the economic pragmatism was found to be the only norm a governing of the US policy within that region (Amirahmadi, 1993).

Finally, within the parameters of nationalism and nationalists, the US made a clear focus on three significant and major countries within the region in regard to the power. These countries were: Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey. Therefore in the year 1950, the Truman which was responsible of the administration matters committed United States to make a defense on the Saudi Arabia. Thus at the end of such it enabled it to upgrade facilities just in and within the military base of the Dahran which lead to a turn into one of most significant and crucial American bases (Halliday, 2005).

Thus the US moved ensures that its ties are much stronger with the conservative forces within Iran. Therefore the Arab nationalism in the middle east were of the modern origin who could be able to develop and enhance a clear backlash for the colonialization of both the Middle East for that of the western powers with Britain and France being among others. Therefore despite of the decolonization, imperialism was highly maintained by the European out of the sympathetic conformist of the monarchs together with the construction of the entire informal empire as a way of ensuring that nationalism is enhanced in the process of struggling for power.

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The imperialism was an issue which was found to be highly maintained by and within the European community or society out of the sympathetic conformist of the monarchs together with the construction of the entire informal empire. Arab nationalism thus continued to take part in a prominent function in Middle Eastern and all other global politics of Cold War.



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