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More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think

In the featured article "More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think," the author, Aaron Carroll, explains the health benefits of drinking coffee. He starts the article by debunking the misconception that coffee could stunt a person’s growth. Coffee is often considered to be a very unhealthy beverage but various recent studies show that drinking coffee has a variety of outcomes that are extremely beneficial to health. The author refers to the meta-analysis of studies to prove that moderate consumption of coffee can lower the risk of cardio-vascular diseases. Nevertheless, the author clarifies that this fact is true only about the black coffee. Various caffeinated beverages with a high content of sugar and fat which are extremely popular nowadays is altogether another matter. Such beverages are rich in calories, fats, and carbohydrates unlike regular brewed coffee.

According to Aaron Carroll, drinking coffee is associated with lover risk of having stroke and heart failure, contrary to the previous beliefs. Moreover, many people are convinced that coffee consumption might lead to cancer but different studies also refute this theory. It was found that coffee reduces the risk of having almost all types of cancer including the liver cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. Besides, drinking coffee might be very beneficial to people with chronic liver diseases. Consuming coffee also reduces the risk of having Parkinson’s disease and might prevent Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. The author concludes that coffee reduces the risk of death from all causes. He also points out that the situation when many people do not drink coffee because they consider it to be something harmful to their health will change. To conclude, Carroll believes that coffee might be a reasonable addition to a healthy diet because of its potential beneficial effects on health.


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7 Negative Effects of Coffee

In the featured article "7 Negative Effects of Coffee," the author, Jim Dillan, deals with the negative outcomes of drinking coffee. The author starts the article by comparing coffee with drugs because it causes addiction and many people can not imagine their life without coffee. Dillan agrees that consuming small amounts of black, high-quality, and organic coffee have a beneficial effect on the health but few people drink coffee of high quality and in moderate quantities. Excessive consumption of coffee might have, according to Dillan, long term positive effects, but shot term effects leave a lot to be desired.

The first negative effect of coffee, according to Dillan, is its harmful influence on digestion. Drinking coffee, especially on an empty stomach, triggers the production of hydrochloric acid which is needed to digest food and this has a negative effect on the whole system. Moreover, caffeine and various acids found in coffee beans could provoke ulcers and irritate the stomach. Dillan also points out that coffee often causes heartburn and acid reflux problems. Besides, both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee increases the speed of digestion acting as a laxative, which is also harmful to the digestion because the body does not have enough time to get all nutrients from the food. Consuming coffee also affects mineral consumption; coffee drinkers often suffer from mineral deficiency. Moreover, according to Dillan, coffee is one of the main sources of acrylamide – a substance which is found in roasted coffee beans. Acrylamide is potentially carcinogenic and it is not recommended to consume it. The author also states that caffeine stimulates the production of stress hormones, which puts the organism into the “flight or fight” mode, does not allow it to relax and leads to problems with metabolism. In conclusion, Dillan recommends reducing the consumption of caffeine to prevent the above mentioned health problems.



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