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Problem Solving: ‘Homestead’ Case Analysis

Question A:

The problem at ‘Homestead’ Care Home case study is that the organization does not provide a safe, receptive and needs based care environment as per its core values of meeting personal needs of its service users. For example, Freda Wells is a resident, who suffers from this poor and unsafe service. According to Porter Sally, Freda seems hardly to make friends in the ‘Homestead’ Care Home. Even though she lives in the central house, the care plan of Freda emphasized on living independently. Freda does not receive a need-based care since at some point another resident refers her as a lazy teenager who never wants to wake up and later another female resident uses her clothes.

The problem solving strategy to handle this particular problem at ‘Homestead’ Care Home involves several steps (the processes) of dealing with the problem. The first phase in this process of dealing with the problem is to define the actual problem (Tague 2004). Prior to taking any steps towards solving the problem, one must first be sure that he/she is clear concerning what the real problem is. This problem definition involves thinking about difference between the current situation and what it is expected to look. The second phase is to analyze the problem. Once the problem is defined, one needs to think about that problem from different angles to ensure better understanding of all its dimensions. Next is to establish goals and analyze what one wants to achieve. Following the establishment of goals, the next phase is to formulate possible solutions to the problem. Here, the goal is to make many possible solutions available. Once the possible solutions get generated, they are analyzed and examined in order to find the most relevant and realistic solution to the problem at hand. The last phase is implementing the most relevant solutions.


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Question B:

Both the Fishbone Diagram and the Seven Step Problem Solving Technique as practical tools or methods for solving problems, offer one-to-one guideline on how to identify and solve various problems. The Fishbone Diagram gives six steps needed to solve a problem. The steps include agreeing upon the problem statement or effect, as the first step. One then brainstorms the main categories of the causes of that problem, after which one writes the categories of those sources as branches from the middle arrow (Tague 2004). Brainstorming of all of the possible causes of the problem follows the writing of all types of problem causes. The next step is generating deeper levels of the causes of the problem.

The Seven Step Problem Solving Technique, conversely, offers seven steps to follow when solving a problem. The steps include finding the right problem to solve as the real foundation for any process of problem solving. The next step is definition of the problem in order to dramatically boost effectiveness of the problem solving process. Problem definition stage is where one combines the issues that are to be solved by defining what one is trying to solve (Apex Leadership LTD 2014). The third phase is to analyze the problem. The analysis process is for discovering the facts and what one knows about the situation at hand. This step helps to recognize the nature of that particular problem. One then develops the possibilities for unravelling the problem. The following phase is to consider the solutions found. Next step is to select the best possible solution for the problem. The last phase is to implement the selected solution to the problem.

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Question C:

The impacts of implementing the recommended strategy for ‘Homestead’ are that the care users will receive the best care, according to their personal needs. The group will be capable of providing a safe, receptive and needs based care environment as per the core values of meeting personal needs of their service users by implementing the suggested approach. The group would be capable of serving the personal needs of its service users, especially the residents like Freda.

Implementing the recommended strategy will help to solve the problem that ‘Homestead’ is currently facing and the result will impact the ‘Homestead’ care positively. ‘Homestead’ will be able to more efficiently provide services focused upon allowing the users to take their own control. The association as well will be capable of providing the right level of personalized support and care, enabling different users to improve the attitudes and skills necessary to lead their personal and independent life. The service users will get much support and encouragement to give their views and also their individual plans will build their interests, aspirations and aptitudes. The residents like Freda will finally receive personalized support and care they needs so as to develop their own skills of taking care of themselves and living an independent life. The problem of unsafe care at ‘Homestead’ will remain on the ground that if the group fails to put into practice these recommended strategies, then people like Freda will continue suffering from poor support. If the support services offered remain poor and unsafe, the group will lose its values as its users like Freda might never become independent or gain the skills needed to live independently.



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