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Decrease in Teenage Pregnancy and Motor Vehicle Accidents

Teenage pregnancies and motor vehicle accidents are among the common occurrences in our society. To be able to deal with these problems, it is important to initiate the programs that would mitigate their effects. Nonetheless, such factors have associated risk features that may render them ineffective, so there is a further need to counter them as well. Programs directed towards reducing teenage pregnancy and motor vehicles accident are successful provided the appropriate interventions are used. Health promotion is adamant, as it protects the lives of people and provides the possibility of longer life.

Risk Factors

Motor Vehicle Accidents

The program geared towards road accident reduction may be ineffective due to limited data. According to Taylor and Rehm (2012), alcohol is a major factor contributing to the rate of crashes on the road. Yet, the statistical data regarding the exact number of alcohol-related road accidents may be too general and blended with other road collisions as well. For the program to work effectively toward reducing motor vehicle accidents, the provision of quality and precise data is essential.


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As regards the causes, effects, and preventions of driver distractions Šmolíková, Hoskovec, and Štikar (2012) argue that the programs created towards their reduction may be ineffective due to the lack of medical staff working with injuries received. They propose that the program manager ought to train personnel and provide necessary equipment for dealing with injuries and administering first aid; otherwise, the lack of skilled personnel and adjusted medical facilities is more than likely to render the program ineffective.

Teenage Pregnancy

Pawaskar and Yaranal (2013) suggest that teenage pregnancy reduction programs may be ineffective without the personnel needed to handle such issues. In the society, the process of dealing with teenagers in general and with teenage pregnancy tend to be very sensitive and require to be handled by specially trained personnel such as therapists, caregivers, and doctors. The programs that will be initiated require this personnel in abundance and therefore, additional funds for training may be needed.

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Warren, Harvey, and Henderson (2010) on their study regarding issues affecting sex among adolescents conclude that programs intended towards their reduction would fail due to the limited cooperation of member parties. Because of stigmatization effect surrounding the issues of adolescent pregnancies, those directly affected and their guardians may be reluctant to participate in any programs fearing for further stigmatization. Furthermore, the authors argue that such programs risk publicizing affected members along with exposing them to ridicule. Consequently, the program managers need to convince the participants of their privacy otherwise they face the risk of limited cooperation.

Target Population

Motor Vehicle Accidents

The program of reducing motor vehicle accidents targets the adolescents aged from 16 to 20 years. These groups of people are generally termed as junior drivers and may require additional supervision from guardians while driving. The issue of binge drinking among college students greatly contributes to the high number of road accidents, thus increasing the need for the program to focus on such people. Moreover, targeting this population will improve the quality of future drivers among adults and with time, programs managers would have learnt the effective measures to undertake in order to improve the scheme.

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The program would entail a 4 to 5 week training workshop and would include both oral and practical classes with the aim of educating individuals on the road signs, ethical conduct while on the road, and improving on driving skills. Upon completion, the participants will be awarded certificates of merits and invitations to participate in future programs and workshops.

Teenage Pregnancy

The teenage pregnancy program targets people between 14 – 20 years who are most likely to be living with their parents and therefore are not considered mature enough to start their own families. Arguably, most of the people within this age group are attending school. The study further targets parents because they have a responsibility of providing the teenagers with the right knowledge to assist them in making sensible decisions. The program embraces a broad perspective so as to cover the areas necessary to reduce or to stop the problem of teenage pregnancy in our society.

The program would entail a 5 to 6 training program. The workshop would begin by offering moral support to both pregnant adolescent and their guardians. Additionally, the program would offer handouts providing information on the ways the young mother should behave during and after her pregnancy, possible eating habits, exercises, as well as the ways of taking care of the baby during and after the pregnancy. Furthermore, the workshop would train the young mother how to deal with any form of stigmatization and ridicule they may face during and after pregnancy. Having completed the program, the young mother will be presented with a gift pack that includes some of the equipment they will need in their motherhood.

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Risk Factors to Focus

The program will initially focus on training the personnel to counter risk factors for both programs. Since the programs require skilled staffs, in order to help with first-aid administration for accident victims and therapeutic services for adolescents, the necessity to train such employees is paramount. Warren et al. (2010) suggest that volunteer programs would work best at attaining required labor, and from there the training programs are initiated.

Additionally, to ensure that the program works effectively, there is the necessity to focus on purchasing the equipment. Šmolíková et al. (2012) state that the availability of equipment for dealing with accident victims resourcefully affects the number of lives saved. Additionally, study books, towels, and child-care equipment will be necessary for the teenage mothers. Indeed, the program managers should envision for the allocation of such equipment to ease the implementation of the programs.



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