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Healthy Habits


The main goal of my study was to prove and confirm the hypothesis that healthy habits lead to a healthy life. For my survey, I had selected 30 female parents of children at the age from 3 to 10 because mothers could better control the nutrition and health of their children. Participants should not know the aim of the project for getting more reliable data.

The 30 women who participated did the study online with their personal computer. Parents could sign up at the e-mail for the pre-selection to participate in the experiment. One day after the women had gotten the link to the survey from the e-mail, they were selected for the experiment. The rules allowed them to be free in their time for doing the survey. After all questionnaires had been completed, the counting and analysis of data started.

Generally, each questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part included 10 questions about their children’s mental, physical and emotional habits, and the second part had 10 questions about the case history of their kids. The quantity of questions in the both parts was equal.


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Therefore, this study was implemented by using a survey based correlational and case history based design. The child with the female parent was the independent variable while collecting data from the questionnaires was the dependent variable.

I expected to find from my statistical analysis the dependence of kids’ health on healthy habits; thus, the higher the index would in the first part, the lower it would be in the second one. For getting my statistical analysis, I had to calculate the difference between the first and the second parts of each questionnaire. After that, I would count data in percentage for all 30 questionnaires. However, it should be mentioned that limitations of my current study were that it was impossible to question all parents and not every parent would like to tell about their kids’ habits and chronicle diseases. The analysis of collecting data from the questionnaires showed that the higher the number of scores in the first part was, the lower the number of scores in the second part had to be expected, and vice versa. The data showed that 60% of all tested children had high level of healthy habits and at the same time low level of chronic diseases. Specifically, these questionnaires included 7-10 positive answers for the questions about healthy habits and 0-3 positive answers in the second part. Besides, 40% of children had medium scores in the first part and, in accordance, the medium scores in the second part (4-6 positive answers both in the first and the second parts). The last 20% of kids had more diseases according to the low level of scores in the first part of the questionnaire.

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Therefore, as I had expected, if the index of the first part was higher, the index of the second part had to be lower. The obtained results confirmed my hypothesis that healthy habits lead to a healthy life.


Many people think that unhealthy habits do not impact our life and our health. However, I follow hypothesis that healthy habits help to maintain to a healthy lifestyle. As my survey showed, nearly 60% of children limited in eating sweets, fast food and other unhealthy habits had their overall health better than kids having more unhealthy habits which were not controlled enough by their parents.

Linck (2013) states that “Good eating habits start at birth. These habits will provide optimal nutrition for infants that will benefit them throughout their lives” (para. 3). Thus, healthy habits should be implemented from early childhood by kids’ parents, and it will have influence not only on their children’s health but also on their future successful study. Healthy and balanced nutrition and the rejection of fast food, sodas and sweets, restful sleep, restrictions on computer and phone and others are healthy habits which parents should nurture in their children. According to National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (2015), “Physical activity is one part of a heart healthy lifestyle” (para 1). Mental, physical and emotional habits are formed at home, at school and they have great impact on the future kids’ success in study. Therefore, making my survey, I expected that the results would prove that healthy habits led to healthy life if the indicator of the first part of my questionnaire would be higher than the indicator of the second part.

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There are many different polls conducted which can refute or confirm my hypothesis. One testing conducted at school showed that 92% of students believed the physical activity was important in their lives. Therefore, only 32% of the questioned reported that they participated in regular physical activity at school only on “some days”, with about 8% answering “very little” to this question (Watkins & Anderson, 2010, p. 5) It should be noted that only 60% of Americans get the recommended amount of physical fitness each day (Kreitzer, 2013).

The second part of the testing was about good food; it was discovered that only 30% students “eat five or more serving of fruit and vegetables each day” (Watkins & Anderson, 2010, p. 7). In addition, the other experiment was conducted that consisted of attempts to increase the fruit and vegetable consumption of preschool children, and it caused the growth of healthy habits among kids (Wyse, Wolfenden & Bisquera, 2015).

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Therefore, parents should make sure that the future of their children is healthy. When children have healthy habits, they will be successful and happy. For the better kids’ health, we can research impact of mobile phone on children’s psyche or the influence of classical or rock music on children's development and others. These different surveys force people to think about the importance of healthy habits for healthy and happy life.



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