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Operational Plan for Willey's Technology Inc.


The current paper presents a comprehensive review on development of an operational plan for the company, Willey’s Technology Inc. The organization deals with the manufacture and selling of technology products. It is a medium-scale organization and is based in Ohio City. The plan will encompass the organizational chart, positions, and descriptions of the personnel in the company. The enterprise specializes in designs, manufacture, and distribution of technology-based products such as mobile phones, computers, and software. In the recent past, the company has extended its services to include the provision of digital players and music-related gadgets as part of its diversification process to ensure that it covers a wider audience. In addition to providing the aforementioned activities, Willey’s Technology Inc. has also specialized in providing network solutions, production, and distribution of hardware parts of computers and mobile phones, although on a small scale. The company sells its products through retail shops that are located in more than fifty countries across the globe. It utilizes online marketing and social media. The company has a direct sales team. In addition, it contracts third party wholesalers to distribute their products across all parts of the world. 


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The paper will discuss the organizational chart as well as outline the mission statement, vision statement, and values of the company. It will also aim to understand the roles of the three levels of management, namely the top level, middle level, and lower level. Furthermore, there will be a brief explanation of how quality, profitability, and productivity will be treated as important elements in the operational plan. There will also be an explanation of the relationship between human resources in relation to the organizational strategy. The philosophy that the management intends to take in the course of conducting its activities will also be discussed.

Organizational Chart

The organizational chart of the company has been designed following a flat structure. There are a CEO, CFO, assisting managers in different departments, appointed team leaders, and the workforce. The management of the organization will be divided into three levels: the lower-level, middle-level, and top-level management. The top-level management will encompass the CEO, departmental managers, and the board of directors. The CFO will be used as a link from the lower and middle levels to the top management for purposes of quick decision-making processes.

The Top Management

The top-level management will encompass the following structure with their respective roles:

  1. The board of directors
  • Develop policies.
  • Devise mission, values, and vision statements.
  • Provide the resources required to implement different activities within the organization.
  • Make critical decisions for the company.
  1. The CEO

The duties of the Chief Executive Officer will include the following:

  • Facilitating the implementation of the designed policies.
  • Preparing strategies that are necessary for implementing policies.
  • Ensuring that activities are done as scheduled.
  • Handling all the issues so that the board members are not involved.

Middle Level Management

It includes other managers in the organization, such as:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Finance Manager
  • Research & Development Manager
  • Chief Operation Officer
  • Procurement Manager
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Manufacturing and Production Manager

Their roles and the way they are interrelated to accommodate collaboration for efficient innovation will be discussed.

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Lower Level Management

It will encompass team leaders in respective retail outlets and the workforce that they command.

Relationship of the Three Levels of Management

The top-level management will be present to assist in setting the goals of the organization. The board of directors encompasses the representatives of the shareholders and will facilitate the acquisition of funds for running the company and paying employees. The middle-level management will ascertain that there is proper implementation of the plans. The lower-level management implements the plans. 

A convenient and appropriate organizational structure is vital for a business venture. It is one of the elements that facilitate efficient flow of information and decision-making processes, thus facilitating the attainment of aims and objectives (Ghuman, 2010). Willey’s system will be based on the functions of different organs. Different departments will have an appointed manager who will be responsible for overseeing the smooth running of the activities involved in that particular department.

Willey’s Technology Inc. aims to implement a flat type of a structure with a single Chief Executive Officer, service/function managers, the rest of the workforce, and locally appointed team leaders that oversee efficient performance of the company’s activities. The company is anticipated to have a wide span of control. The workforce is expected to be highly motivated and responsible in decision-making processes. The structure has been chosen because of the philosophy of operation which encourages the workforce to be innovative.

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Basic Planning Process

Goal setting: The goal of the organization is to ensure that quality products that are in line with the demands of the consumers are produced.

Vision: The company has a vision statement which has been explained to facilitate the achievement of the desired objectives.

Development of new outlets: This will be the task of the top-level management.

Understanding major weaknesses: The company has identified various weaknesses that are likely to affect its success. The weaknesses will be worked on to favor the objectives.

Scheduling the plan: This will involve the process of devising the schedule for setting the actual plans.

Preparing operating plans: The plans will be worked on and presented to the managers for review. This will be done by the CEO and the middle-level managers.

Connecting plans: The work of connecting plans will be a collaborative effort between the middle-level managers and the rest of the workforce.

Vision and Mission Statement, Values

The organization has a vision statement which is aimed to be reflected in the products and services that they will be offering to their clients. The vision statement is “to become the global providers of high-quality technology products.

The mission statement of the company is “to manufacture quality technology products that are environmentally friendly and that match the needs of the clients as we focus to create a sustainable business setting through maintaining the quality of the workforce.” 

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The vision statement is likely to be reflected in the products that the company produces and through customer feedback. Through the creation of innovative products, the company will also be participating in global technology advancements. The mission statement is built around technology and innovation, which form two main pillars for the development of the company. 

The company has developed values that will aim to guide the workforce in the course of their handling the activities. They include:

  • We develop new ideas that lead to creation of new products that are aligned with the needs and demands of our consumers.
  • We foster democracy through activities by means of which we create equal chances for all employees to express themselves in equal capacities and offer them a platform for their professional development facilitated by encouraging creativity and innovativeness. We also believe that faults lead to a better workforce.
  • We suppose that talking to one another helps the company focus on collaborative efforts.
  • We believe that you do not need to complicate technology to make it work for you. Even simple ideas may become great.
  • We aim to empower people to own ideas, work, and other things which they do in order to perfect them.
  • We intend to create an environment where all people are treated equally and are important in all that they do, be it in giving ideas or implementing them.
  • In Willey’s Technology Inc., we hold the idea that there are no ideas on earth that are self-existent. Coming together and accumulating, these ideas have created unimaginable products.

Explanation of the Roles of Departments

The departments of the organizations will be based on the placement of similar functions in one group. Departments such as finance, human resource, marketing, manufacturing, and production among others will be based on the functional approaches. In the major functional divisions, there will be subsystems and sub-departments that will ultimately create the hierarchy. The activities conducted by the manufacturing and production division will liaise directly with the operational managers to ensure that they produce quality products and those that are likely to match the needs and demands of the clients on the prevailing market.

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The workforce of the company will be put into several groups emphasizing special skills, expertise, or resources that they can be able to offer. This will be important because every section will be able to apply experience in their operations, thereby contributing to the overall success of the whole organization. Although the structure of the company will depend on many factors, such as the target market, the enterprise will focus on the activities that are likely to lessen the costs and, in turn, increase the flexibility involved in the operations (Dwyer, 2012).

In this company, managers will assume a greater control of the activities of the organization. Therefore, very tall structures will be avoided for the purpose of ensuring quick decision-making processes. This, in turn, increases the efficiency of the system. The company aims to require that managers take the shortest time possible to implement decisions. From the assessment of the past experience, it is anticipated that a relatively flat structure will be able to assist the company in decentralization of responsibilities and authorities of its management (Ghuman, 2010). The decentralization process aims to achieve myriads of things, for instance, quick decision-making processes, control over processes, and enhancement of planning of the subsystems. The company intends to facilitate the marketing operations which form the basis of achieving the long-term goals (Greene, 2010). To achieve the goals, the marketing department will be provided with all the necessary resource. Moreover, it will ensure that all marketers have sufficient skills both in decision making and operation.

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The employees and managers at the middle and lower levels of management will be encouraged to be actively involved in fostering the strengths of the organization through appreciating and evaluating the information that comes from them.

The Finance Department of the company will be involved in providing the financial direction to the company. It will be headed by the Finance Manager. All the policies regarding the finances of the organization will be provided by the Finance Department. It will be mandated to handle all the international financial transactions of the company, which will involve both financial risk management as well as guaranteeing liquidity. The responsibility of the Finance Manager will be vital for the success of the organization, especially in the aspect of strategic management (Bender & Ward, 2012). For instance, the Finance Department will be required to work closely with the Research and Development Department. The finances that will be used in the latter must come from the Finance Department, which is the branch in the organization that will be mandated to finance innovative activities.

The Human Resource Department of the company will be put to task of ensuring that certain key administrative activities are being conducted within the organization. They must ensure that there are meetings, projects, and conferences and seek solutions to facilitate fast decision making in an ever-changing environment (Guest, Paauwe, & Wright, 2012). 

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There are many technological changes that have been taking place around the world. It is a factor that may bring a lot of challenges and must be dealt with. The Research and Development Department in collaboration with the Manufacturing and Production Department and the Finance Department will work closely to ensure that there is an ample technological advancement that will guarantee that the company delivers products that meet the needs of the clients. High-quality products are likely to act as a cushion against stiff competition (Plunkett, Allen, & Attner, 2013). Technological advancements are also likely to ensure that the barriers to entry are reduced.

In the structure, there will be a Procurement Manager. The officer will manage the relationship between the company and the suppliers. The manager will be expected to create a good rapport with the suppliers and liaise with the managers to coordinate the supply of quality raw materials. The auditor of the company will be involved in the auditing processes of all the sales, purchases, and other general transactions that will be taking place within the organization.

Chief Operation Officer will be available in the system. The main task of the officer will be to facilitate the process of centralizing of all operations happening in the organization. The position will require involving the top management team in the daily decision making regarding the business.

The Human Resource Department will be mandated to make sure that it safeguards the valuable assets of the organization so that the company can be able to strive for achieving its goals.

The company notes that there is a lot of competition in the contemporary world; consequently, it must be able to develop structures and facilities that will ensure that it competes favorably in such an atmosphere. This will be done through emphasizing the significance of innovation in units such as Manufacturing and Production, Marketing, and Human Resources. The business has plans to make sure that it creates a good legal environment and services to its clients. Its products will be assessed regularly by quality control bodies to ensure that they are up to standards and of better quality for our customers. Quality services will be facilitated by means of introduction of new technology that guarantees innovative products on the market (Plunkett, Allen, & Attner, 2013).

The company has put stringent measures such as making sure that it complies with all the legal requirements, including renewing the certificates if needed. Moreover, it will guarantee the protection of the copyrights of its products. 

For the benefit and success of the business, the sales team is expected to ensure the direct cooperation to enable them to make fast decisions in their operations. This also forms the basis of their motivation as they will not be required to undergo tiring procedures before they make tentative decisions for the organization.

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The company is aware of some of the major risks that it is likely to deal with in the future. Such risks include global economic recession, which may impact heavily the financial and general performance. Risks regarding global economic crisis may pose a great threat to the company due to very tight credits, decline of asset value, and bad news regarding finance among others. In this case, since dollar has been the major international currency, the company has taken the step of setting the prices of their products in a way that makes sure that they are well-consolidated with the value of dollar. This will act to cushion the system.

Consistent researches regarding the external environmental changes will be done to provide the necessary information to the company as to the betterment of its design and innovation to facilitate better performance. The prices of the products will vary with time, depending on the external and internal changes that take place in the environmental factors. One of the aims of the company is to manufacture products with distinctive competencies such as designs, educational skills of the workforce, the use of special types of technological tools and applications, capitalizing on innovation, and striving for satisfying the needs and demands of the consumers (Plunkett, Allen, & Attner, 2013). This is one of the methods that will epitomize the working philosophy of the organization. Offering various products at reasonable prices will increase the company’s competitive advantage over other companies.

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The control systems and the set organizational structure will help the company improve the availability of knowledge and information. Technology and innovation are the main sources of impetus for the enterprise. In addition, the company will always aim to cater for the needs of the consumers. In order to increase customer services through quick processing of their orders, SAP and ERP systems will be applied and will aim to speed the processing and implementation of the orders. The introduction of i2 technologies will also be necessary (Magal & Word, 2011).

Willey’s system will integrate the employees fully. They will be vital in laying as well as implementing the long-term goals of the organization. Kotter’s model will be highly applicable in this business enterprise (Sabri, Gupta, & Beitler, 2006). The core competencies of the employees will be used to redefine and refine the market segmentation. Because of the many changes that are expected to happen in the process of developing the company, the employees will be equipped with the necessary skills and freedom that will help the workers become extremely innovative in conducting their duties.

The operational plan is anticipated to assist the company in generating a steady income from many consumers across the world. Good leadership will be among the key factors that will facilitate the success of the enterprise. The company will always aim to settle any arising debts on time to make sure that its growth is achieved by equity and not through debt. This will be the anticipated operation for the company.

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In the kind of the setup present in the Willey’s Technology Inc., the top managers will be expected to make reasonable and timely decisions regarding issues of the company before they are relegated to the relevant workforce for implementation. This will be ensured by developing a team spirit.

The company needs to develop a safe and healthy scheme for the workforce. In this case, it will endeavor to create a health management system. Audit processes will be conducted throughout the system to ensure that the correct processes and measures are being taken to guarantee safety and health of the employees.



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