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Organizational Behavior


From the organizational perspective, culture denotes the way an organization follows in carrying out its daily activities. Organizational culture influences efficiency of employees, which consequently affects overall productivity of the organization. A well-organized culture motivates employees to augment their performance, thus achieving higher levels of output.


Siemens is an engineering company that offers numerous technological services and products. Products produced by the company include traffic lights, wind generators, and fridges. Besides, the company hosts BBC’s website and has developed an iPlayer. The company has its headquarters in the United Kingdom and employs approximately half a million of employees globally.

The Role of Culture in Impacting Performance

Employees are very significant elements of organizations (Iftikhar 2014). Culture is concerned with enduring employees’ issues and structure of the organization (Latham 2012). It incorporates all the procedures affecting employees in their efforts to grasp and execute strategic policies of an organization. Organizational culture involves aspects affecting employees such as promotion, hiring, pay, benefits, development, firing, and management. It provides a scheme that is used to solve any urgent issue that may arise in the organization.


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Organizational culture, via various favorable mechanisms, is likely to upsurge efficiency of an organization (Mone & London 2010). This outcome is achieved since it motivates employees. Employees handle the majority of tasks in the organization. They have a pertinent opinion that can be implemented by the management to augment productivity of the organization. Employees have insights regarding products and amenities that the organization provides. They are receptive of current drifts that are preferred by customers.

For instance, staff involvement is an aspect of organizational culture that is used by the management to augment productivity of an organization (Noe 2010). It is a proficient tool to making right decisions at every level of vertical integration within the organization (Stack 2013). The management makes correct decisions relating to manufacture, processing, packaging, and supply. The possibility of errors occurrence is greatly reduced. The general outcome of this culture is enhanced performance in the organization arising from low turnovers.

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Employee involvement is engaged to achieve high organizational performance. This procedure encompasses the management involving employees at all stages of decision-making (Walters 2010). Employees play a paramount role in all the strategies that the firm sets up. For instance, applying a strategy that fosters a one-to-one relationship between the management and workers is very effective. This process motivates employees. They cultivate the desire to enhance their productivity since they feel that they are vital for the firm (Chakraborty 2010). By employing this technique, employees envisage the need to change on their own. The process allows them to learn more about the organization and, thus, understand it better. This process helps employees to know what is expected of them and they would hence be able to perform better in their tasks.

Breaking bureaucracy in the firm causes a desire for enhanced productivity (Walters 2010). Employees conduct their duties in a setting where the boss is not around to monitor their tasks. Instead, they only have a supervisor who they can seek advice from regarding existing operations. This setting is suitable for them as they can work well without stress. This practice will inspire the staff to change some behaviors so that they can attain the best outcome from their work. Workers will interact with their superiors in a productive manner and this will in turn ensure enhanced organizational performance (Iftikhar 2014).

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Advantages of a Favorable Culture

Staff development involves training, which prepares workers to perform their current duties better and gain new skills that will enable them to develop and handle more responsibility (Latham 2012). A skilled workforce positively influences organizational performance. Development of employees increases confidence they have in themselves and they are, therefore, inspired by and committed to the organization. This is demonstrated by better retention, greater job satisfaction, and superior productivity. It is a crucial aspect of an organization (Walters 2010).

The practice enables employees to acquire occupation-specific competencies (Stack 2013). An accountant, for instance, would acquire good math skills, while an amenity provider would require excellent client service skills. Staff development is a joint responsibility of the worker and the supervisor (Noe 2010). The director’s role includes activities such as clarifying routine and social expectations. They are also responsible for aiding employees understand the business’s long-term and temporary goals. They help employees identify learning opportunities, provide resources, and give corrective feedback (Mone & London 2010). Employees have a part to play in their growth. In addition to meeting current performance prospects, they require adapting to meet evolving business needs. For instance, advancement in technology requires new skills to operate improved systems and ways of delivering services (Iftikhar 2014). Employees require adapting to meet these changes promptly so as not to derail the business.

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Employee development is attained through several means. They include events such as workshops that are planned by the management (Latham 2012). Employee development automatically starts when the company is drafting and interviewing. Managers aim to get the right staff that will grasp the learning process and change (Mone & London 2010). The HR manager comes up with a favorable strategy that will incorporate factors mentioned above. All components of the organization play a part in the process. Small and large companies should engage into employee development of their staff. A failure of this strategy will make employees less motivated and will cause low productivity in the company (Noe 2010). Employees will feel that their work is not recognized and their full potential is not being exploited (Walters 2010).

An efficient culture results in a situation when employees become relaxed and they can perform their job without any hindrances from workmates. This fact allows them to perform their job properly. They will be happy most of the time when they interact with customers. The result of this method is that the customer relationship will be significantly enhanced (Chakraborty 2010). Customers will feel happy with the services that they are getting from the business. The consumer satisfaction will be significantly enhanced. The concept will result in other envisioned benefits for the organization. They comprise increased sales and more clients (Stack 2013). This aspect is significant because satisfied customers will tell their friends about the excellent service they have obtained from the organization. Hence, customers will advertise it through the word of mouth. Satisfied customers will also come back for the service when they need it again.

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Ways in which Culture Can Be a Barrier to Organization’s Effectiveness

A poorly designed culture affects productivity of employees negatively. For instance, when employees feel that rules and policies set by the management are unfair, there will be a poor social relationship between the management and employees (Chakraborty 2010). Employees will be less motivated while performing their tasks.

A bureaucratic structure, in turn, slackens down processes of the company. Bureaucracy is time-consuming and makes the overall process in an organization slow (Walters 2010). All levels of the management have to be considered at every stage. Communication from the top management would require passing through several stages before reaching employees. Feedback and suggestions from employees would also take a significant amount of time to reach the top management (Mone & London 2010).

Critical Evaluation of Motivation Approaches Employed by Siemens Company

Motivation employed by the company is highly effective. Employees are allowed to improve processes and products of the company. Since the company is operating in the technology industry, processes involved change often. Employees of the company are allowed to offer suggestions on novel schemes that will produce better products in a cost-effective manner (Iftikhar 2014). This fact makes employees feel that their input to the company is appreciated. They are hence motivated to come up with new processes and products that will be implemented by the company.

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Siemens conducts employee development. This culture allows employees to gain new skills and expertise that helps them improve their performance (Mone & London 2010). This procedure raises motivation of employees to improve their productivity. This is because new skills attained by employees instill confidence that makes them improve their performance level (Chakraborty 2010). The majority of changes involved in the engineering sector involve a shift in technological processes. These processes often involve complex procedures that employees require learning before they can use new techniques. Therefore, employee training serves a crucial role in allowing employees to learn. Workers receive monetary and non-monetary rewards for their contribution to the company. For instance, employees that offer suggestions on new processes that are adopted by the company are given financial rewards. Besides, they know that their input is recognized by the company. This technique greatly motivates employees to perform better.

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Schein Model of Organizational Culture

This model suggests that the organization can be categorized under three levels that include artifacts, values, and assumptions. Artifacts comprise tangible aspects of the organization that can be easily seen such as the dress code (Mone & London 2010). Values comprise individual principles of employees working in the company. Assumed values are principles that are not discussed often, but influence operations of the business. Values of employees at Siemens include the need to develop better processes.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

This theory suggests that an individual is satisfied when he or she performs at one’s personal best. Satisfaction is obtained by performing tasks that help numerous people. This theory applies to the innovation culture that has been identified by the company. Employees attain their self-actualization level when they produce innovative products within the company. This satisfaction is ensured because innovative services and products help the public (Latham 2012). By achieving their personal best, employees derive a high level of satisfaction.


Siemens should increase staff training. This drill would enable workers to gain proficient skills that would be used to improve productivity of the organization. This training could be attained through workshops that should be conducted regularly. Communication should also be strengthened within divisions of the company. This is because communication guarantees that objectives of the company are conveyed to all levels of the management.

Procedures used for promoting workers within the company should be made clear to all workers. Employees should know about performance processes that are considered by the company when assessing and rewarding their performance. This procedure would help workers improve performance measures that are set by the executives.


Motivation is the most essential aspect that encourages employees to improve their productivity. However, motivation that is connected with financial terms is best positioned to realize the envisioned goal of augmented performance. Siemens should hence come up with a suitable culture that will allow employees to receive both financial and non-financial benefits when they perform better. This culture should be complemented by a good leadership. The leadership ensures that all employees play their part and that policies of the company are implemented effectively.



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