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Ras Elased Aust

I.  Abstract

Ras Elased Australia is a fixed star that is yellow in color consider to among brighter stars located on Leo constellation. It is referred to in different names including Al Ras Al Asad Al Janubiyah among the Arabians. It has marked history in the 14th ecliptic constellation of Babylonia. Its presence on the head of the lion has been interpreted to be a symbol for people who are fond of studying language and can express themselves with ease. Other contrary characters it represents are cruelty and being heartless. In some areas, especially among native populations it is negatively associated with causing people to have severe psychological depressions which might lead to suicide. This is because it is associated with Planet Saturn and Neptune. It can also be cause of fever related diseases when it is placed very close to Mars, or lead accidents when it is very close to Uranus. Being a part of constellation Leo which is symbolized as a lion, Ras Elased Australis has been associated with some of the characters associated with the lion.  As a lion makes prey on other animals with pride, the people associated with this star equally have tempers which can only be satisfied by causing havoc and misery on other people for their own pleasure and luxury


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II. Write an Introduction

Ras Elased Autralis is an example of fixed stars. They differ from planets on their inability to move across the ecliptic as can be seen among planets which are always seen moving along Zodiac. A constellation is the name general name that is used in reference to fixed stars. There are different types of constellation, each different from another on the basis of the way the fixed stars are arranged on it. Although these stars do not normally move around, they do change their positions procession in very slow speeds. They can take several years, approximately 72before they can move an arch of one degree. Scientists have discovered that these stars have their own movements which can only be seen through special astronomy instruments.

Because of it’s difficult to observe, there is controversy whether fixed stars have orbits or not. One class of astronomers holds that these stars have very small orbits whose size increases with the brightness of the star. The classes are based on the stars’ magnitude where those with negative magnitude are considered brighter than those with positive values (Rob, 2010).

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Ras Elased Australis (Aust) is colored yellow which based on William Tyler Olcott is located in the mouth or head of the lion. The star is next to Ras Elased Borealis.It is gigantic in nature and among bright stars on the earth’s sky it is position 168 having an apparent visual magnitude of 2.97. It takes 247 light years to reach Aust. It has a speed of 17.3 km/s compared to that of Sun.

It has been referred in different names including Al Ras Al Asad Al Janubiyah among the Arabians. In the 14th ecliptic constellation of Babylonia, Ras Elased Aust was a great discovery at that time. Fixed stars derive their meaning base on their mythical explanations as used in the ancient and modern world. Different constellations, stars and its position on the constellations determine the significance with which it will be attached. Other astronomers like Ptolemy interpret stars based on their similarity to planets. Its presence on the head of the lion has been interpreted to be a symbol for people who are fond of studying language and can express themselves with ease. Other contrary characters it represents are cruelty and being heartless. In some areas, especially among native populations it is negatively associated with causing people to have severe psychological depressions which might lead to suicide. This is because its associated with Planet Saturn and Neptune. It can also be cause of fever related diseases when it is placed very close to Mars, or lead accidents when it is very close to Uranus.

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Being a part of constellation Leo which is symbolized as a lion, Ras Elased Australis has been associated with some of the characters associated with the lion.  As a lion makes prey on other animals with pride, the people associated with this star equally have tempers which can only be satisfied by causing havoc and misery on other people for their own pleasure and luxury (Maya, 2004).



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