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The role of sports in the everyday life seems to be indispensable due to the reason that it affects the public spirit. However, it is reasonable to admit that sports nowadays have become distant owing to its inaccessibility. In the context of sports internal peculiarities that concern the team players, it ought to be admitted that the levels of payments the sportsmen get are frightening the public. For scoring a goal, players receive a huge sum of money that converts sports into business and a matter of financial issue. Trying to identify where the problem begins, one should pay attention to the role of schools and colleges in the matter. Therefore, the school and college administrations should not provide their students engaged in sports with payments since such decisions may convert sports into a financial issue, ensuring the decline in other activities in which students are involved.

Most importantly, it is reasonable to define the role of sports in the life of ordinary people. A game that is performed at a high level ensures public spirit. However, one should admit that sports feed on communities’ engagement and entirely depend upon public’s actions and moods. Their relation is obvious and the problems that are faced by sports should be treated taking into account public conduct. Presumably, the public is accountable for the root of the underlying problem as the nature of sports fully mirrors people’s attitudes, desires and aspirations, and thus, manifests itself in the deterioration. The evident problem in this context consists in the fact that people’s attitude to sports worsens as it becomes an entirely financial and distant to some extent.


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Seemingly, the administrations that are in favor of paying college athletes indirectly make sports inaccessible and distant. Wilfrid Sheed in his article “Why Sports Matter” puts an emphasis on the assumption that paying sportsmen for the games contributes to the school’s loss of integrity. The author of the article names a few specific activities that are not even thought to be paid because they are considered to be a matter of fun:

playing at the band at half time (no one has ever suggested paying the band), but that throwing and catching a ball is work – and that even this depends on what kind of ball you’re using. A football equals work, a volleyball is only play. (Sheed 497)

Bearing in mind the previous points, one may linger over the assumption that motivation that payments presuppose distorts the main messages and roles of sports. The football players should not be encouraged to play by the payments, they ought to revel in the collective joy that comes from the community. The school and college administrations that are in favor of paying college athletes ought to realize that they not only ruin their own integrity, but also affect the institution of sports in a negative way. Making football a financial issue within the frames of school or college not only means its superiority over other activities, but also contributes to the matter of making sports more distant, inaccessible, and money oriented. It relates to the fees that fans should pay in order to watch the games. In this case, one may see the ambivalent process of impact. Sports influence people’s decisions and attitude, while people’s behavior and expectations influence the atmosphere of the game.

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Although the matter of payments exerts deleterious effects on schools, colleges, and sports in general, there are still conflicting views that proclaim the necessity of paying college athletes. The issue appears from the fact that nowadays, college football players have huge salaries that attach the greatest importance to the place of sports in students’ lives. Nevertheless, colleges should not underestimate the role of sports. According to Mike Antonucci and Kevin Cool, the enormous sums of money are generated in the revenue collected from sports. This case affects the matter of the development of other kinds of sports in Stanford. Thus, payments in the revenue of such sports as football and basketball call for the reforms in the athletic sphere and, in general, put sports on the new level of inaccessibility and greed. Nowadays, the payments in sports revenue result in the need for giving payments not only to footballers, but also to the athletes of different kinds. Stanford is a vivid example of this issue as it faces the problem of endless reforms effected in order to take back other sport activities.

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Interestingly, the payments in sports at the school or college levels have reached the status of ethical imperatives. As a result, payments generated for football players and their coaches have induced the debates concerning the importance of paying the athletes. Nowadays, sport is taking a stance of being a profession that requires monthly payments, and thus, converts itself into the issue of greed. There is no doubt in the fact that in the ambivalent interaction that exists between sports and public, the latter is to blame for the existing problem. Sean Gregory also puts an emphasis on the issue that athletes should be paid. However, it is evident that the payments for athletes will discourage students that are engaged in non-sport activities.

To summarize the foregoing, education cannot become a profession, and it is not reasonable to convert its main aims and goals into financial issues. The status of sports nowadays is very ambiguous, which means that it is badly in need of changes. As schools and colleges pay students for going in for sports, they ruin their own sense of integrity, and thus, neglect the interests of the students that work hard intellectually in order to get proper education and gain prospects for the future occupation. In addition, the reforms that result in paying the students engaged in sport activities disfigure the role of sports in all the possible ways. Thus, sportsmen in schools and colleges should not be paid due to the harm that such actions may do to the state of education and sports in general.



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