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Analysis of Zen Leader


This term paper is the outline comparison of works dedicated to leadership development made by Whitelaw and his book “The Zen leader: 10 ways to go from barely managing to lead fearlessly”, which is compared with the work of DuBrin on the book called “Leadership: Research findings, practices and skills”. The purpose of the research paper is to analyze the principles of leadership that the authors address in both books, as well as contemplate on their mutual factors and different views regarding the same leadership principles.

The Zen leader book outlines the principles of leadership based on the philosophical points of view. This book examines ten principles of successful leadership with the most emphasis on personal and professional development of a human being. Whitelaw states, “In case one can project positive expectations, he/she can surely achieve them”. In other words, the focus on leadership goes towards developing the personal power that lead people to success. Every person has one single strong point that he/she needs to develop during the lifetime, and this is the only road to success (Whitelaw, 2012).


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Consequently, the works of DuBrin address the importance of self-development by means of projecting the personal leadership role. According to DuBrin, “The true leadership focuses on the balance between the skills, qualities and their implementation by means of leadership”. In other words, every leader could be successful in case one constantly develops new skills, obtains new knowledge and craves new experience. Self-interest is what people treasure in life; this is what helps others to achieve success by means of faith in the positive expectations. The idea is to concentrate on the personal leadership approach and guide people to their own success, life challenges, business progress and personal commitment (DuBrin, 2012).


In the world of today, “True leaders manage their lives in all the spheres and make it astonishingly to project outcomes that are even more powerful”. What is most notable is that true leaders manage to combine their lives as a whole and easily balance their business, life, and families. However, the concern is about the ways such is possible under a constantly developing pressure every day (DuBrin, 2012).

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The book of Whitelaw (2012) called ‘The Zen Leader: 10 Ways to Go From Barely Managing to Lead Fearlessly’ does not tell the reader to work harder but manage the pressure by means of consciousness. In fact, this is the most powerful tool of the transformational leaders all over the world. The purpose is to manage the life with pleasure and interest. The Zen Leader book addresses “10 principles that help people control their life from the heavy-duty to the most powerful position”. The utmost attention is to help people “sense their lives and lead the world”.

These 10 rules enroll the aspects to help people transition their lives from “handling the circumstances to changing them”. Another key area of help is to service the people and guide them “from the immovable pressure to the extension lead” with energy and power. The foremost concern is to support people with the idea of “not occupying oneself with the strong points but of reinforcing the performance itself”. One of the main ideas is to direct people from “unsatisfied scheming to creative bonding”. Thus, people would feel more comfortable with their lives and will eventually go “from personality-based organization to controlling ones infinity”. Therefore, the book teaches people how to learn to transform their lives with the help of leadership (Whitelaw, 2012).

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The purpose of the author of this book was to help people concentrate on their key areas of life and make it with the help of conscience principles and concepts. What does it mean to be a leader? Traditionally, “The concept of a good leader means having exceptional human qualities and power over other people”. As well as the with inner abilities to transform the beliefs of the team, a manager should come up with a favorable solution for the required environment in a variety of spheres (DuBrin, 2012).

“There should always be a balance in everything people do while living as there is no energy from nowhere – it always has the power source”. There are many leaders around the world, and every single one is an entirely different person. The key factor that influences the leadership style is the family. Some people deeply value their family relationships, others - do not but still it is what matters most from the position of sub-consciousness. The mind controls the behavior and leads the character that performs all the leadership qualities people have, either the inborn or learned from experience (Whitelaw, 2012).

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The leaders believe that constant perfection leads to the fact when there is no limit to their achievements. By these means, “One should take appropriate actions to enhance the leadership behavior”. A leader should combine different styles and learn to manage them simultaneously despite the situation or people to handle. “A vision of a true leader is to combine whatever people have learned or experienced and continue their development in the working process”. The eastern wisdom says, “A true leader is the one, who can learn more from the students and never stops doing what brings happiness in life, especially if it is about helping other people to achieve success and boost both their performance and profitability in any working or life environments” (Leadership, 2012).


The purpose of this discussion is to compare and contrast the views of DuBrin and Whitelaw in terms of leadership. This could be achieved by means of addressing the key principles covered in their research papers make a parallel between their studies. The core principles to concentrate on are “from Coping to Transforming, from Controlling to Connecting, from Tension to Extension and from Driving Results to Attracting the Future”.

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1. From Coping to Transforming

The position of Whitelaw is tightly related with the concepts and principles of DuBrin. They totally agreed about the fact of transformational leadership and its interaction as well as application in various working conditions. Today, transformational leadership takes a pivotal role in the work or respected companies around the world. Nothing will help if people just continue to deal with their problems repeatedly. According to Whitelaw, “It is understood that a lot more value could be brought into the company and people by means of inspiring others on the road to success” (Whitelaw, 2012).

Based on the perceptions of DuBrin, “People do not know what they can do right until a leader guides them”. Therefore, a leader directs people in the way to help them realize the fact that they could do a lot more than they think, despite the doubles size of the initial achievements. In other words, if people do everything correctly from the position of leadership principles, they will succeed both in business and life (DuBrin, 2012).

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2. From Controlling to Connecting

Regarding control and connection, DuBrin and Whitelaw share most equal experience. According to Whitelaw, “The management should think about the interests of workers in case there do not have an assignment”. Therefore, it is good that there is some free time for reading or drinking tea, but there is no time for the personal development (Whitelaw, 2012).

By this inclination, DuBrin considers, “It would be great if people could have some time to connect with others and help them in their working process”. It is necessary to help people to grow personally and professionally and simultaneously mind over the company and its interests. Apart from it, there are cases that are essential for every manager and every leader and that is to show courage and strong attitude in case of making new connections with other people. The reason is to develop respect and mutual understanding by means of a favorable behavior (DuBrin, 2012).

3. From Tension to Extension

It is difficult to work under pressure, and the vast majority of people do not understand this. However, in case people learn to manage this pressure, they could have an extensional advantage. In this respect, the ideas of Whitelaw and DuBrin are somewhat different, but, at the same time, they add more value to one another. Therefore, many people consider that the first thing to develop personally is to learn about control and guidance, direction and management, organization and structure. According to Whitelaw, “people need to learn these basics first and only then try to apply them in practice”. In other words, the ability to apply the principle of extension could help people learn something new from the perspective and interest that belongs personally to people and thus produce better outcomes (Whitelaw, 2012).

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Based on the perceptions of DuBrin, “Any person can only become a leader if one works on the process of thinking and addresses dedicates more time to the personal interests”. Besides, when and where people start their professional experience, a leader wakes up willing to settle down and become independent. The thing is to learn how to connect with the interests of oneself as well as other people and work together to achieve an extension lead (DuBrin, 2012).

4. From Driving Results to Attracting the Future

The vast majority of people know, “Actions speak loused that words”. Both research practices of Whitelaw and DuBrin address the same in their position to results. According to Whitelaw, “Some people say that one can never become a true leader if he / she were not born to be one”. Whitelaw also states, “This fact is not true, which is dispelled in the top organizations of the modern world” (Whitelaw, 2012).

Based on the perceptions of DuBrin, “The potential of people show that the best leaders took time to develop themselves through the years of working practice”. Therefore, DuBrin states, “The leadership models and organizational behavior people can see is the results of leaders is not about hard work but about development of personal power with appropriate projections for the future” (DuBrin, 2012).


A famous proverb says, “Self-perfection is the key aspect that can rule the world”. Both considerations of Whitelaw and DuBrin turn to be almost equal in their perceptions or alternatively they add more value to the principles and approaches of each other. Leadership principles help people to understand their values and desire to learn new skills and manage them in life and business practice. Both works offer the reader practical solutions to improve the personal leadership roles, learn new skills and obtain new talents; the thing is to develop the personal power constantly and strive for the positive expectations (Leadership, 2012).



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