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Research article Critique

Question I;  

Kuldeep, k., Suresh, K.S., Gurmeet, K., Deepika, Divya, S., Harpreet, R., (2007). Practices of hypertensive patients visiting O.P.D at D.M.C &, Ludhiana. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-3, No. 2,

Question 2

The question asked by this research is to analyze the practices of hypertensive patients. The purpose of the study is to analyze the daily practices of hypertensive patients visiting the hospital. The specialists assess lifestyles of patients and their susceptibility to hypertension.

Question 3

This research is a qualitative type of research; it is for outpatients department of the hospital. Population of the study is the hypertensive patients with selection sample of 50 individuals.

A sample of 50 patients from the entire number of patients who comes to the hospital takes part in the study. This kind of sampling in use is known as purposive sampling. It is non-probabilistic in nature and thus limits the idea of randomness. With such kind of sampling, each patient is not given an equal chance of being selected; thus the sampling technique is subjective and biased. A well equipped hospital like the one in question should use better sampling techniques that shall represent the entire population of hypertensive patients without giving room to bias.


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There is also an issue with composition of the sample. Patients who are under the age of 35 are left out of the sample. This is a serious shortcoming because various empirical studies show that there is a higher possibility of these patients succumbing to high blood pressure. This is due to their lifestyles, which entails social issues such as smoking and poor diet habits.

From analysis of gender disparity of the sample, it is clear that women are majority of the sample at 62%. Such kind of sampling fails to capture the number of male patients because skewedness is towards the female patients.

The sample captures married couples who are also patients at 88%. However, it fails in establishing the correlation between marriage and hypertension. It should give an equal or proportionate chance to both the married and the unmarried patients. Such that it generates results that are not marital biased.

The method of data collection in this study is interviewing. However, the best combination that can yield better results is the use of both interviews and questionnaires. Since the sample comprises both illiterate and literate individuals, a combination of two methods is preferable due to economic reasons in the country.

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This research may not yield the correct or true results due to various factors. These factors range from composition of the sample in terms of age structure, such as where it ignores patients of age 35 and fewer.

The research establishes that 48% of patients never take fatty foods, 40% takes fatty foods sometimes while 12% are consuming fatty foods all the time. It is found out that 90% of the patients are not using any alternative medicine apart from allopathy.

Results with regards to regularity of drug intake show that 70% of the patients are taking drugs; only 42% of the patients were maintaining their following schedule. 24% of the patients were taking fresh fruits regularly and finally, 54% of the patients are not adhering to the yoga practice. The results obtained show that 54% of the patients are regular in their blood pressure check up


The research should also find a way of increasing the number of male patients in the sample to equal that of women. Other methods of sampling such as quota or stratified sampling reduce gender bias in the study.

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Hypertensive patients are to receive encouragement by the nurses to practice favorable lifestyles; they should check on their blood sugar regularly and take their medication as prescribed.

Question IV: Nurse sensitive indicators of quality

This refers to Nursing-sensitive indicators which show the structure, outcomes and process of nursing care. This hospital has a large number of medical professionals ranging from nurses, doctors, dentists, pharmacists among many others who are highly skilled and experienced.

Issues like patient falls need more attention to limit ones with relation to falls associated with morbidity and mortality for older adults. Recommendation is to build mechanisms in the hospital to reduce pressure ulcer development among the patients.

Hospital acquired infection rates can only be limited with presence of highly qualified and enough supply of nurses such as in the case study.

The level of evidence practice according to this research is level IV which is known as case series. It is a well designed non-experimental study which aims at identifying various lifestyle habits of hypertensive patients.

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At this level, there are no experiments to the patients; they only answer questions with regards to their lifestyles. They say how the handle various aspects pertaining their hypertensive status.

Medical errors are common among unqualified and reckless nurses, the only way we can distinguish between a qualified and a quack nurse is by analyzing the number of errors committed. Wash of hands is both ethical and medical standard which all nurses must practice and encourage always.



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