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Grants and Human Services

Grants do have a crucial role in the facilitation of funds for human services providers. According to Cole and Scheinberg (1990), a grant is the sum of money given to an agency in order to help solve problems the community faces. Grants, thus, in most cases present themselves as large portions that seek to support some ongoing social services. However, a grant is only awarded to an organization or agency after they have successfully presented a proposal for the grant. A grant is also supposed to give a boost not only to new projects, but to those ones that need their work to be continued.

Grants are notably vital for the activity of many organizations especially for those operating in small communities. For this reason, grants are also noted as being vital in the development of rural areas which are in most cases devoid of the services and utilities present in the metropolitan regions. In this connection, the human services fail to boast of the tax-base support that is enjoyed by their metropolitan counterparts. The grants provide both the overall mental and physical healthcare that is needed by small communities they service.


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Hence, grants are necessary for the success of many organizations which seek to serve communities in devoid of certain services and utilities. Grants can justifiably be claimed to lay their priorities on projects that match the needs of the target community. Thus, the human service providers should align their mission to the needs of the vital inadequacies of the community they suppose to serve. This argument is based on the fact that grants are only meant to run for specific duration of time and for particular purposes, and as such the grantors would choose their grants to be used to the interests of the target community.



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