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Food and Tourism

An Effective Partnership?


—  The research evaluates the partnership between food and tourism.

—  It enhances development and strengthens agricultural production.

—  Food tourism also provides new opportunities to promote and distribute local produces.

—  Food tourism consists of two industries; agriculture and tourism.

—  Food and tourism provides a systematic approach of food production.

—  As a result, food tourism should foster a multi-agency approach to enhance sustainable economy.

—   According to Montenari and Staniscia (2009), food tourism delivers sustainability objectives.

—  Therefore, food and tourism is an effective partnership in improving production and development.

Food and Tourism Literature

—  Food and tourism literature provides a better conceptualization of food tourism.

—  The relationship between policy in the UK and social capital within the agricultural sector is explained.

—  In addition,  it explains the food based interactions in various subsectors.

—  According to Church et all(2000), the agricultural and tourism policy are based on cultural and historical differences.


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—  Pretty (2002) argued that the integration of the policy is significant in understanding the policy makers.

—  Since, it chooses the approaches mix of solution and their integration into agricultural practices.

—  The key element of agricultural policies is the diversification strategy.


—  In 2009, organized a festival to develop food tourism in the UK.

—  It also involves informal discussions on how to support a diversified food tourism strategy.

—   The conduction of empirical research was relevant in the festival.

—  Initial discussions were more structured and explored the exploratory research method.

—   Exploratory research employs qualitative techniques.

—   It occurred into phases; in-depth interviews and six workshops.

—   Data collected was transcribed and the main issues were identified.

Results and Findings

—  Tourism provides agricultural views forms the empirical data from the interviews and workshops.

—  They present the key findings in a model.

—  Sustainability common issues  that emerge from the data collected includes the following:

—  Social capital, supply chain problems, fear of change, regionalization of governing bodies, and marketing.

—  According to Alder and Kwon’s (2002) findings, synergy views leads to good governance. 

—  This leads to a more sustainable economic climate for food tourism,

—  It is also emphasized on developing social capital  policy

—  This leads to inefficient implementation of the food tourism policy in agricultural production.


  • In summary, the research examined the relationship between agriculture and tourism.
  • This examination was done from the food tourism stakeholders.
  • The conduction of the research occurred in two phases of data collection.
  • This includes 16 in-depth telephone interviews and then followed by the six workshops.
  • The findings were mapped into a five theme model.
  • These themes include social capital, fear of change, regionalization and marketing.
  • Recommendations included the following: the development of networks,
  • Undertaking marketing campaigns, and promoting engagement with new reforms.



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