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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a major trait of the genuine leader. This knowledge helps both in personal and professional aspects as well as assists in building long-term and healthy relationships. The attributes of emotional intelligence include the ability of self-control, self-reflection, and fruitful interaction with other people. The provided tests have showed that I have average emotional intelligence, and, for this reason, I must not stop to develop this skill. This paper analyzes different strategies for development of emotional intelligence based on the tests results.

Emotional intelligence is applicable in various aspects of life. Thus, its improvement can help in various situations. The simplest strategy to acquire this skill is doing sports, because it teaches to control breath or inhale in the correct manner (Blell, 2011, p. 27). Additionally, keeping a diary can be another strategy for analysis. If the individual writes down different significant events and then starts to consider what he or she could do better – he or she will develop his or her self-awareness quicker (Bhattacharya, & Sengupta, 2007, pp. 213-214).


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Another mean to strengthen emotional intelligence, to bring it to a higher level, is to accept responsibility for personal feelings. This strategy is effective because smart leaders cannot be guided only by emotions. Difficult and tense situations demand critical thinking and objective judgments to make the best possible decision. For this reason, a person may start with simple solutions in everyday routine using emotional intelligence he or she already possesses for self-control in more important circumstances. A good example may be the attempts to resolve insignificant conflicts that arise between colleagues. It means that the individual learns how to act as a leader by doing something good for other people.

People may also train their emotional intelligence at home. This strategy works well with the family members who must be treated with care and attention. The person with this capability must learn to speculate deeper on the events that are occurring around him or her. Relatives deserve much support and assistance. My proactive behavior, according to the tests results, shows that I understand the responsibility. For instance, if somebody among them is sad, then other people who consider themselves leaders must ask additional questions to know the real state of affairs. They must not be ignored or neglected. The care must be deep and sincere as well as it must help avoid further frustration and disappointment. Moreover, those who treat their closest people with love and understanding keep similar attitude at work, too. Therefore, emotional intelligence must be enhanced gradually, and it cannot appear unexpectedly, without additional effort.

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Sspecial attention in promoting emotional intelligence must be given to negative emotions. The tests revealed that I do not let negative emotions take control over me. However, a negative mood can affect medical customers or other employees. Patients’ satisfaction is above everything, and that is why the thinking that is not constructive will always hinder productive work. Hospital’s leaders can avoid these mistakes through constant training of personal thoughts and directing them towards the best.

Inner motivation is also crucial for becoming a mature person. Proactive conduct can result in attempts to become better with each day. People with such attitude strive for high achievements and productive work. Thus, emotional intelligence presupposes strong character and self-confidence for independent behavior. Individuals with good motivation promote correct values and have firm principles which compose the basis for their conclusions and actions.

Additionally, self-disclosure and openness attract other people who need help and assistance. Sincere workers invoke more trust and look more reliable than other employees. Emotional intelligence can assist in comprehending feelings of different people. Consequently, open employees are not afraid to be misunderstood or interpreted in the wrong way. They are not self-centered and more orientated at the patients around them.

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Leaders who do not demonstrate strong emotional intelligence significantly reduce the team’s productivity. Performance of such groups is lower than it could be potentially (Dunham-Taylor, & Pinczuk, 2015, p. 51). For this reason, other members must take responsibility for the unity of medical professionals. For example, the subordinate who has strong interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence may support his or her colleagues at difficult times. This person must not wait for the leader to make the first step. In particular, every group has both a formal and informal leader. That is why trust within the team may be built with the help pf the informal leader. Moreover, every employee may serve as an example of ethical behavior.

However, working with those who do not possess emotional intelligence is more complicated. Cooperation in such situation demands flexibility and good conflict-resolution skills. A nurse can define the leader’s specifics and realize his or her strong and weak sides. In the future, the employee can fill in the missing gaps. In any case, irrespective of chief’s abilities, each worker must have own values and personal rules, which guide him or her in various situations.

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Emotional intelligence is important for adequate interaction. Nurses experience enormous amount of pressure if they let emotions control them. They may get tired quicker, because usually the psychological tension is more exhausting than the physical one. Nevertheless, emotional intelligence requires a mature personality with the ability to analyze. Consequently, one is not born with this competency – it may be developed and trained. Such quality is beneficial for many life aspects, and that is why it is worth spending time on. The modern environment is becoming more mixed, which means the rising need for understanding of diverse cultures. In such a manner, different nations accept emotions not in a similar way. Thus, emotional intelligence helps to adapt to today’s world and learn how to deal with new people.



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