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Lack of Effective Communication

Effective communication is one of the biggest problems that managers in various organizations are facing. Managers who facilitate effective communication are likely to identify and solve problems easily. On the one hand, when managers are able to keep up with the diversity within the workplace, then their employees will have a sense of belonging. On the other hand, employees who demonstrate remarkable communication both oral and written, are more likely to climb up the corporate ladder. Moreover, when there is effective flow of communication between managers and employees, a collaborative working environment is created. As a result, it becomes easier to work towards achieving the desired organizational goals. It is important to note that lack of effective communication is one of unethical issues creating barriers to implementing plans and strategies. Therefore, understanding the effects of lack of effective communication is crucial to both managers and their employees.

Good communication skills and problem solving are two overlapping issues. Employees with work-related issues will, most probably, seek for professional guidance from their managers. However, if a manager lacks effective communication skills, an affected employee will lack the confidence to face him or her (Williams, 2014). This means that a manager will not help an employee in solving the current issues. Consequently, the failure to address such situations, facing the employees, will compromise an organization’s productivity. It will become challenging to achieve the targets when managers cannot provide professional guidance for their employees (Sardana & Hothi, 2011).


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In addition, diversity is becoming a norm within various organizations. Working environments are made up of people with different ethnic backgrounds, race, and beliefs (Sardana & Hothi, 2011). It, therefore, means that effective communication must exist to ensure a smooth flow of commands, instructions, and feedback. On the contrary, lack of ineffective communication facilitates practices that are characterized by prejudices and stereotypes (Williams, 2014). As a result, workers will lack the motivation to interact with various groups in a productive manner, thus jeopardizing the position of a company to meet its objectives. Employees will continue making mistakes because of lack of understanding the instructions regarding a particular task’s performance (Sardana & Hothi, 2011).

Effective communication is crucial for successive implementation of projects. For one, employees can work together as a team to accomplish complex tasks before the deadlines. To a larger extent, this means that productivity of the employees within different departments is enhanced significantly (Williams, 2014). However, ineffective communication facilitates practices, such as vague emails and erroneous written messages. These are messages that lack clarity and comprehension and can have an adverse effect on the company’s performance (Sardana & Hothi, 2011). Lack of effective communication creates slow methods of completing organizational tasks, thus leading to additional costs. On this note, some tasks may be ignored completely, leading to failure to achieve the company objectives (Williams, 2014).

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Maintaining effective communication is a significant way to motivate employees. It promotes productivity, inspiration, and cohesiveness among employees. For example, a highly communicative environment ensures that all employees understand the tasks they are supposed to complete (Sardana & Hothi, 2011). It also motivates workers to seek for assistance to solve the problems they encounter in completing their projects. However, when communication is not flowing in an effective manner, employees will not be encouraged to perform their tasks. Lack of enthusiasm will make employees question the value of maximizing their performance within an environment with poor communication (Williams, 2014).

Furthermore, poor communication skills mean that the instructions are not flowing in a clear direction. As a result, team members will be demoralized to flow instructions and commands that are confusing (Sardana & Hothi, 2011). They will not have adequate professional guidance to handle important projects and the capacity to be innovative. Furthermore, when communication is not flowing in an effective manner, it creates room for speculation and rumors. Notably, as speculation increases within the organization, more tension is created among employees. For instance, a rumor about the retrenchment of some employees may demoralize employees due to the fear of losing their jobs. As a result, it will become challenging for demoralized workers to maintain the cohesiveness of a teamwork (Williams, 2014).

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Lack of effective communication always leads to numerous conflicts. For one, due to lack of clarity in the flow of information, stress and uncertainties are likely to occur. For instance, the company’s productivity depends on the collaboration between the team (Sardana & Hothi, 2011). This means that the failure of a team member to deliver his/her expectations will create loopholes in the performance of the entire team. As a result, conflicts between the team members will occur, leading to further delays in completing the assigned projects in a timely manner (Williams, 2014). In addition, lack of effective communication triggers conflicts, especially in a working environment with limited resources. It hinders sharing the available resources in a manner that will meet the needs of all team members (Williams, 2014).

Conclusively, lack of effective communication has adverse effects on the productivity and performance of employees. It hinders the formation of collaborative teams that need to deliver projects in a timely manner. Secondly, it triggers the occurrence of conflicts, particularly in cases of limited resources. Ineffective communication means that instructions and feedback are not delivered in a clear manner. As such, common errors are likely to occur within the organization because employees lack the understanding and guidance to perform tasks as required. Therefore, both managers and their employees have a responsibility to facilitate effective communication. This way, it will be easier to solve problems, manage diversity, and share limited resources within the organization.



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