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Role of Human Resource Managers

The global changing, competitive business environment, and the need to create a strategic competitive advantage in the operations of the organizations, have led to rethinking of the management of the human resource. The role of human resource managers in the current challenging business environment and the rising competing needs of the employees and business, have led to human resource managers approach in managing human resource. Maintenance of effective people in the business environment is essential in achievement of a competitive advantage. Human resource managers are also faced with the challenge of meeting the current and future needs of the organization human resource needs. These include understanding the forecasts of the organization demand and the need to provide the human resource to facilitate achievement of the organization objectives. Human resource managers have the responsibility of all the roles relating with the needs and activities of the people in the organization.

This paper will provide an insight of the different roles that human resource managers perform in an organization; these will include the negative and the positive roles. The importance of human resource managers in the society will be reviewed and the opinion of the role and importance of the human resource managers will form an important part of this discussion.


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Analysis of Human resource Managers Roles

The traditional approach of human resource management was developed with perceptions of a systematic policing in the organization. The traditional approach aligned the personnel and administration functions closely. This was due to the narrow approach in management of human resource, which was involved in only hiring, benefits schemes and payment of the employees. However, the global changing competitive business environment has led to rethinking of the approach used in the management of the human resource. This has led to development of a diverse approach in the management of human resource. The importance and increasing need to incorporate human resource management in organization development has led to diversification of human resource managers roles. The organization need to create a competitive advantage has increased the need to utilize the human resource strategically for the purpose of organization achievement of a competitive advantage. The human resource managers in the global changing business environment need think themselves as strategic partners in the organization. In this role, the human resource managers will have to rethink of their role in the contribution to achievement of the organization objectives. Strategic partnership of the human resource management in the organization will have to develop and design work systems where the needs of the organization workers are addressed responsibly.

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The human resource managers are bestowed with the responsibility of ensuring competent employees to perform the duties and meet the requirement of the organization. The human resource managers are responsible of determining the human resource requirements of the organization and the kind skills technical skills required by the organization. Designation of the work positions in the organization is the in the docket of human resource management. Human resource managers should work closely with other managers, for example, in the accounting department and manufacturing department to facilitate designation of the roles of the employees. This will facilitate the recruitment process in identifying the technical skills of the applicants and the provision of placement in the organization. The rewarding system of employees is an essential determining motivating factor   of the employees in the working environment. Human resource managers should develop strategic reward system, which will ensure that employees remain motivated and committed to organization’s goals. The human resource managers should also ensure maintenance of an enabling working environment for employees. They should ensure collaboration with other departmental managers in the creation of a health and safe working environment for all employees in the organization. Performance appraisal is an important part in human resource management and human resource managers should facilitate efficient development of this system. These are some of the factors, which facilitate motivation of the employees and employees’ commitment to the organization goals. Alignment of the organization goals with the personal goals of the employees is an essential factor in determining achievement of the organization goals. Human resource managers should facilitate the development of the employees in the organization through trainings, educational programs, and personal development schemes. Employees’ career development and succession planning in the organization are the duties of the human resource department. These can be facilitated by development of teamwork in the organization, where the teams are engaged in decision making and setting of goals for the team. This will be essential for the organization in alignment of the employees’ goals to the organization objectives.

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Human resource management is a strategic partner in the organization achievement of the organization objectives. The human resource managers will have to develop their skills in finance, accounting and evaluation of the human resource programs as an important measure of evaluating and minimization of cost in the organization. Human resource managers should establish the enumeration packages for the organization employees and the beneficial programs, which are effective and competitive to both employees and the organization objective of cost minimization. Human resource managers are employees advocates this advocacy include competency in creating a enabling internal working environment through motivation and increasing employees’ participation. The human resource managers should foster the development of effective goal setting, empowerment and communication mechanisms to develop ownership of the organization goals by the employees. They should engage in the overall talent management and career development of the organization employees. They should respond to employees’ complaints and ensure efficient problem solving mechanisms.

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However, there has been negative perception of the role human resource management. These include misleading of the employees about their career and underdevelopment of their careers. The global shift in the management of human resource requires development of the employees in their career and personal development. The issue of employees’ privacy has been another negative practice in human resource management. Confidentiality of the employees’ information has been a new global concern in human resource management. Issues concerning poor practices in investigations beneficial programs and recruitment of the employees have developed global ethical concerns in the management of human resource. Issues relating to disciplinary actions, firing and demotions in the working environment have been some of the roles that human resource managers had to contend with in their working environment.

Human resource managers play an important role in strategic decision-making and policy formulation in the organization. Human resource management has been essential to organizations since all departments require inclusion of human resource managers in their planning, such as expansionary planning. Human resource managers therefore, play an important role in achievement of strategic competitive advantage by the organization. Effectiveness of the internal operations of the organization depends on constant evaluation by human resource managers and addressing the current needs of the organization. Human resource managers are the champions of change in the organization and they need to develop linkage between strategic needs of the organization, which will improve employee satisfaction and acceptance of changes. Human resource managers should constantly assess the effectiveness of the human resource management.

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Benefit of Human Resource Manager in the Society

The diverse roles of human resource managers in the current global competitive and changing business environment have been beneficial to the society in various ways. Human resource management in the modern society has been broad and accommodative of divergent views. Management of human resource in ensuring corporate social responsibility of the organization has been essential. Socially responsible human resource management involves the development of careers in the society. The organization should take part in developing knowledge and skills in the society. This will facilitate the organization in employment of a skilled workforce and a general growth and development of the society. Provision of competent employees in the organization has a positive implication on performance and production in the organization. Competent, innovative and skilled employees will facilitate the development of products that address the needs of the society responsibly. The quality of the products will be guaranteed and the general relationship between the organization and the society will improve. Provision of employment to the society will have a positive implication of reducing unemployment, human resource managers should ensure transparency of the recruitment processes to ensure fairness. Poor practices will have various consequences on the operations and performance of the organization and human resource managers should ensure transparency and fairness.

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Development of human resource through trainings, educational programs and coaching has a positive implication on the society development. Human resource managers should ensure development of employees for the benefit of the employees and society in general. Employee benefit schemes provided by the organization are essential in improving the welfare of the society. Human resource managers should ensure development of benefit schemes, which meet the needs of the organization objectives and the needs of the employees, which translate to development of the society. The health benefit provided through various schemes developed by the organization are important in society, the human resource managers should facilitate the development of such schemes to ensure personal development of employees. This will improve the health status of the society since the employees and their immediate beneficiaries will have health coverage. The human resource manager should facilitate the development of unemployment compensation and provide employment and benefits to society.

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In my opinion, the role of human resource managers in the current global competitive environment has developed from the traditional approach, which provided for a narrow approach in the management of human resource. The current approach to management of human resource has led to incorporation of more diverse views through incorporation of various views affecting the organization and employees. The traditional approach of human resource management was viewed as policing unit in the organization, while the current approach encourages inclusiveness of the employees in the organization activities. Various benefits accrue to efficient management of human resource to the organization, employees and society in general. Efficient human resource management of human resource to the organization facilitates achievement of a competitive advantage. In addition, it is essential in personal development of employees and societal growth.


In conclusion, human resource manager play an important role in the organization in the achievement of a competitive advantage. This is achieved through the provision of competent human resource that have technical skills to ensure efficient operations in the organization in achievement of its objectives. The human resource managers are responsible of maintaining enabling internal environment for employees to ensure they are motivated in the working environment. The human resource managers oversee the various activities in the management of human resource such as recruitment, performance appraisals, rewarding, demoting and firing. The current business environment requires divergent approach in management of human resource to ensure that all needs of the organization human resource needs are addressed. The approach should be inclusive of the rising needs of the employees.



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