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Artist Statement

Art holds a special place in life; it basically gives life a meaning. It gives an impression that when you dream you don’t have to let your dream pass into oblivion. The beautiful dream can be expressed in reality through artistic design to perfectly represent the dream. Art serves to relieve the soul from human burdens and introduces a reality check that after all, it is just this mortal life. It is why traumatized children meticulously draw the images they have in their minds. They simply want to feel better once they are through with their drawing. Indeed, it is true that a problem is partially solved when it is shared by people who care. When children draw these images, they are merely showing their innocence, based on the fact that they are willing to share the deepest content of their thoughts. This is all art and the purity of mind that it brings to its lovers. Artists do not only maintain a clear flow of information in their minds, they also have good memories that can save the world. While everyone wishes to forget about the bad incidents in life, artists keep these memories in terms of images and use them as a basis to approach the future soberly. This is the beauty of being an artist; it sets you apart from the rest of us. In pottery, artist can keep all the information they have on the décor. As customers buy of his or her pottery, they marvel at the artistic literature all the way home. And when they get home, they proudly share it with the family and the good image spreads. Pottery, in my opinion is like a medium through which one can communicate important message. This feeling is drawn from the fact that ancient societies used pottery arts to promote cultural harmony between various communities. They shared their pottery and eventually the artistic message. Essentially, pottery is my best of communicating my deepest thoughts in the most honest way without fear of being judged.


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Maggot Juice Stains

Maggot juice has been shown to stain as it is composed of amino acids that individually cause coloration. As adult flies undergo their life cycle, they lay eggs that later hatch into maggot. It should be noted that every stage of this life cycle required nutrition and most of this is stored in different form. It is the reason one would wonder why maggots stain yet the adult fly does not. It is difference basically lies in the form in which the two store their nutritional elements. While adult fly appears to store its nutrients in the form of proteinous compounds, maggots break them into ready amino acids that are easy for them to consume in their state of life.

Proteins are condensed amino acids and metabolism may be required to derive protein from them to make them available for utilization. Being inactive metabolically, it is ideal for maggots to store their food in a form that is readily utilized by the body. The non-shriveling feature of maggots when they die is also meant to facilitate their survival. In order to retain viability, maggots develop a tough coat that prevents loss of essential moisture from them. Thus, they become extremely rigid, yet still do not desiccate as evidenced by the production of coloring juice. If maggots were to lose all their water content, their nutritional content would dry up and become unavailable for metabolic utilization. As observed in this context, dead maggots crunched under one’s feet due to the existence of a rigid coat that protects it from physical harm as well as prevents desiccation. Once the maggot fluid stains the floor, it can only be removed with a soluble solvent. The amino acids are dissolved in resins that are not water soluble, thereby making the stain difficult to wash out with water. The fact that the stain does not dissolve in water best explains why spots remained on the floor where the maggots had been crushed. Had they tried to wash out the stains with an organic solvent, it would not have been hard to completely wash out the stains. It was simply the choice of washing solvent that caused the retention of the spots. Indeed, it is quite evident that the problem in this case revolved around chemical principles of nature.

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The phenomenon that was not observable in this case was the composition of the stain. On the basis of observation, one would not know exactly what maggot juice caused spotting while fly juice did not. This is because the occurrence can only be chemically defined and does not have any physical basis. It must be noted that most chemical processes are not observable and this was just one of them.

The theory on the maggot juice is undoubtedly valid. It is a proven fact that maggots store their nutritional compounds in forms that are readily consumed. For example, proteins present in earlier life cycles are broken down into amino acids. In addition, carbohydrates are stored as simple sugars instead of long chain polysaccharides. These simple forms are physically and chemically distinct to the extent that they can express definite characteristics. Coloring of organic compounds has been shown to be due to movement of electrons in the compound structure and their relative interaction with light rays. While amino acids and simple sugars have distinct electron regions in their structures, proteins have their electrons held up in complex resonance systems. Thus, it is the simple compounds that form coloration and not the condensed forms.

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The Hempel’s DN Theory perfectly applies to this example as it has the initial condition, law of nature as well as the explanation. In addition, the fact that it entails a general matter of universal interest makes it a perfect fit. It should be noted that maggots store their food reserves in form of amino acids dissolved in organic solvents that make them insoluble in water. These amino acid components of maggot fluid possess a distinct color that stains. Therefore, it can be deduced that maggot juice stains and leaves spots that are difficult to wash out. These statements make of a typical DN theory in that the three elements make a coherent piece. For example, maggots have amino acids that are dissolved in resins that are not water soluble, thereby making the stain difficult to wash out with water. The fact that the stain does not dissolve in water best explains why spots remained on the floor where the maggots had been crushed.

In conclusion, art holds a special place in life; it basically gives life a meaning. It gives an impression that when you dream you don’t have to let your dream pass into oblivion. The beautiful dream can be expressed in reality through artistic design to perfectly represent the dream. Maggot juice has been shown to stain as it is composed of amino acids that individually cause coloration. They store their food reserves in form of amino acids dissolved in organic solvents that make them insoluble in water. These amino acid components of maggot fluid possess a distinct color that stains. Therefore, it can be deduced that maggot juice stains and leaves spots that are difficult to wash out.



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