Narrower Questions Make Better Essays?
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I am sure you have heard it many times that a perfect History paper should be analytical, concrete, clear, concise and precise. It must also have a well-developed thesis, be written in active voice, introduce a topic significance and clearly explain the audience who, what, when, why, where and how.
Make sure you do not create a vapid and pretentious introduction. It proves that the author has nothing interesting to say about the issue under analysis. In addition, instead of creating the hook, such an introduction bores the readers. Focus on coming up with 3-4 sentences that contain catchy information about your topic and lead your readers into the thesis.
The thesis explains your audience the point you are going to argue in the paper. Avoid stating a bold fact in the thesis. A strong thesis statement in a history paper explains why or how something happened.
In order to explain the significance of an historical event or origin of something, you need to use a historical analysis. This method of research digs deeper into the topic and tries to find hidden distinctions and relationships among different facts. Analysis is the most important part of your paper that brings a good grade. Remember that a simple summary of an historical event will not add value to your paper.
A good historical paper is based on valid data and reliable sources. In addition, it is important to use the variety of sources to be able to make reasonable historical judgments. Furthermore, be skeptical of the facts you see in the sources and try to prove them with evidence from different historical studies.
Vague facts are the signs that prove the author’s lack of knowledge in the area of research. So, avoid using generalizations and abstract thoughts in your paper.
In most cases, your professor will be the only person who will read your paper. However, you should imagine that your readers are educated but they are not specialists in History. So, be careful to explain the terms and points that may sound unfamiliar to your audience.
After reading a weak conclusion, the reader is hesitant whether it was reasonable to spend time on reading your paper. On the other hand, a strong conclusion proves that your essay was worth reading.
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