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Workplace Wellness Training

This program “Workplace Wellness Training Proposal” is a good opportunity for the organizations, companies to promote a healthy culture within its policies and employees. This program does not only provide workplace wellness but raises the reputation of the chief and his/her organization. There are a lot of people who cannot work because of bad conditions of work, and this program aims at changing the situation at the organization and raising the number of people who desire to work there. This training program is the wonderful opportunity to change employees' attitude to their work and evoke desire to work with the best results.

This training program is a new look on the workplace wellness. It will provide the safe conditions of work, and the work will bring only pleasure. Workplace wellness increases productivity and efficiency of employees with the help of improving a workplace and conditions of work. The most important factor in this program is Human Resource Management; it means that the realization of these programs depends on the employers of the organization.   


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This program is designed specially for Grey Box International Company. Without doubt, this program is experimental one, and all faults of it will be detected after putting it in practice. It is difficult to make forecasts for the future, but one can suppose that it will be the basement for the programs of bettering workplaces and providing the best conditions of work. This program is based on Human Resource Management Strategy.

The main dimensions of a management strategy are the strategic plan, leadership, strategic goals and tactics, which are necessary for solving problems, taking decisions, and collaboration with other companies. The main aim of Human Resource Management strategy is to attract, select, train, educate, estimate, and reward the employees. However, one should not forget that workplace wellness is also the part of HRM strategy.

Planning is the choice of strategy and actions. Furthermore, the right planning is a good start for self-realization and self-perfection. Without doubt, the ability of an individual to plan is the central part of the management strategy. It means that this training program demands a good planning and right strategy of actions.

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Training Need

In order to put in practice the program of workplace wellness, one should make it one of the leading directions of Human Resource Management strategy. Not less important are expenses on health care and providing workplace wellness. The chief of the organization should develop health and wellness culture within the employees. Moreover, these are the employees who can take care about their health and wellness culture within their possibilities. Working at the organization, people should promote a healthy lifestyle as a good health is the basement for a good work.

In order to make this training program work successfully, it is necessary to define the needs of employees with the help of interviewing or testing. The employees should understand the importance of the training program for them. Understanding will help to build the basement for the training program. Without doubt, putting in practice this program, we will face with such problems as: a skeptical attitude, indifference, and misunderstanding; that is why it is necessary to motivate the employees.

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Needs Analysis 

It is important to admit that this program will not work successfully if the training needs will not be satisfied. First of all, it is vital to enlarge the costs on health care and workplace wellness. The costs are necessary to create the good conditions of work that have a great impact on people's health. Secondly, this training program should also include anti-smoking programs that will stimulate people to work without smoking and follow healthy lifestyle. Thirdly, employees should be given the additional time to have recreational activities, nutritional council, and medical therapy to improve the overall performance.

One should also concentrate an attention on the engagement, timeliness, and percentage of work performance – it will help to make the training program successful. This training program will be based on the following objectives as communication with employees about the importance of health conditions of work, conduction of mentoring for revealing needs, and propositions of employees.

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Analyzing the needs of employees, it is worth taking into consideration training problem and its scope; it is necessary to build team for solving this problem. Without doubt, not the work apart solves the problems, but work together.

The purpose of this training program is to teach the employees to take care about their health even at work by refusing from smoking, alcohol drinking, and fast foot eating. Refusing from these harmful habits will benefit good health and wonderful mood.

One cannot expect the immediate successful result from this training program, but the result definitely will show themselves in the future.

Supporting Analysis

The most important task for the company using the training program will be the health of company's workers and workplace wellness.

The preparation to the realization of the training program will be conducted on the following stages:

- observation of the employees (how the employees work and what they need for the successful work, is there any danger for their health?);

-   interviewing of supervisors (supervisors know everything about their staff);

-  interviewing employees (revealing their needs and their opinion about changing of work conditions).

Interviewing employees, it is necessary to take into consideration what they expect from this training program, what they need to be satisfied with workplace, whether this training program coincides with their needs.

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Interviewing employees is vital as every employee has his/her own character, opinion, and attitude to the problem. So, during realization of the program, there can be conflicts because of contradictions of thoughts.

During interviewing, it is necessary to reveal what the employees are going to do to get rid of their bad habits, what possibilities they have, what they are doing at present time to better workplace conditions, whether workplace wellness is important for them or not. As we see, collecting of information is an important step for realization of training program.

The training program is built on the basement of three cycles: planning, developing, and acquisition. Planning is the choice of strategy and actions to provide workplace wellness. Furthermore, the right planning is a good start for self-realization and self-perfection. Developing is the process of getting new skills and methods in order to solve the problem. Acquisition is the process of getting new knowledge and experience and the possibility to put them in practice.

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Scope of Work          

Having analyzed the needs and possibilities of employees and the company, we came to the conclusion that this training program will be successful and change positively the situation in the company. We will define the chain of tasks that help to solve the problem. First of all, it is necessary to have the strategic plan of actions that will touch the problem at all sides. One should analyze it carefully, predicting possible obstacles and contradictions, take into consideration all opinions, consider alternative interventions, define objectives, and then evaluate them. It is necessary to include workplace wellness to Human Resource Management. The realization of the training program depends on the employees. It will be successful when the employees will act innovatively, creatively, and imaginatively.

Employees should work on improving the teamwork, leadership, knowledge of organizational goals and strategies, respect to others, and collaboration, which are advantages for any company. The strategic “resources” focus on individual skills development, individual responsibility, and achievements of the goals. When the person owns the necessary resources and competence, he/she will reach what desires.



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