Top 5 Successful Study Methods
It is important to propose to your beloved person in a romantic and original way to make this moment unique and unforgettable to both of you. This implies that each word that you are going to say and each deed that you are going to do should carefully be chosen. An example of a proposal speech is one of ways a person can ask the beloved one’s hand in marriage and to make this offer very emotional. Of course, a proposal speech does not have any strict requirements or a defined structure, so you are absolutely free to select the words and the way you are going to do this.
Here is an example of the proposal speech you can use to get prepared for one of the most important moments of your life.
The moment I met you for the first time will remain in my memory for my entire life as it was the day when the course of my life drastically changed its direction. I remember you attentively and with excitement reading that book in the park, and your beautiful and concentrated face grabbed my attention for about a half of an hour.
I carefully keep in my mind every minute shared with you as from the very first moment I was completely overwhelmed by you. I was very glad to make you meet my family as I was sure that all of them would like you. That was the day when I realized that you are the only person I want to share all my life with.
Now I can’t imagine myself and my life without your love, support, kindness, and cheerfulness. I love dreaming with you as you are the only one who understands me. I should confess that I like being ill when I realize that you will give all your care and support to me.
You encourage me to get up every day, to do something beautiful and significant, and to become a better person. You should know that you are my inspiration and my motivation. You are my happiness and you know it. Just like you, I want to have a unforgettable and colorful life, and together, we can make our mutual dream come true.
I know for sure that you are a perfect person to be my friend, my travel companion, my teacher and the mother of my children.
I promise I will do everything possible and even impossible to be a perfect match for you and be a husband you deserve. I will do all I can to make you the happiest person in the whole world and I will always strive to make you smile. You are the most beautiful and precious gift I could ever get, and I wish every person in this world know about my boundless love for you.
I am looking forward to the moment when my last name will become yours and we will create a new loving family. My voice is trembling, and my heart is beating without restraint, as I hope you will say “YES” and thus make me the happiest person in the world. Will you marry me?
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