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Research Article Answers

1. What are the research questions?

The article has three research questions. The first question seeks to understand how transnational life experiences have helped teachers to develop and recognize their intercultural competence. The second question seeks to find how teachers define their own (inter)cultural identities. The final question focuses on the approach used by teachers when tackling (inter)cultural issues.

2. Where was the survey/Interview conducted?

Survey for the article took place at a small university in Chile. It also included a survey from several California adult ESL programs. The survey was conducted between 2004 and 2006.

3. What was the population surveyed? What sampling procedures were used?

The population under the survey was in a classroom setting. The sampling method narrowed down to two teachers; Paloma and Ruby. The selection procedure focused on transnational English teachers with significant intercultural experiences. Ruby, originally from Brazil, was a second language instructor in a Californian adult school. Paloma was a foreign language teacher in Chile who had previously worked for many years in the United States.


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4. How were the data collected?

The first method of data collection involved writing ethnographic field notes from observations made during surveys. The second method involved audio taping interviews. The researcher observed instructors in their classrooms for several weeks. The observed instructors were then subjected to audio taped interview to get their view regarding the research questions. The research conducted a follow-up interview based on the classroom observations.

5. Were the questions used in the survey or interview well designed in terms of the standards discussed in the chapter?

The questions used in the survey were well designed and structured as per the issues discussed in the article. The questions were geared at exploring cultural identity perspectives among teachers. The aim of the study, as is evident from the questions, was to find out effects of cultural identities on a teacher’s approach when teaching culture in a language classroom.

6. How were the data analyzed?

The research utilized thematic analysis using NVivo qualitative data analysis software to analyze the data. This was because the research was a comparative case study. The researcher also described how he coded data to portray a cultural content that was in line with the research questions.

  1. How were the data presented?

The researcher presented the findings in the form of a discussion. This is because it focused on values instilled by transnational teachers. It presented its argument by emphasizing the need for TESOL educators to understand their cultural trajectories as they prepare to be future language teachers. The research did not involve collection of numerical data.

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7. What conclusions were drawn?

The researcher was able to draw interpretive conclusions regarding effects of intercultural experiences on teaching. The teaching environment is greatly influenced by how teachers identify with their intercultural competence, their knowledge of own (inter)cultural identities, and the approach utilized when dealing with (inter)cultural issues.

8. What are the pedagogical implications of the study? Are they warranted in light of the findings of the study?

The study tries to put emphasis on the values brought by transnational and intercultural teachers. The study also tries to avoid discrimination of such teachers as witnessed in the past studies.

9. What are the pros and cons of this study?

One major advantage of the study is that it points out the importance of nonnative-English-speaking teacher (NNEST). The study also brings out the importance of culture and interculturalism in education.

A disadvantage of the study is that the researcher’s conclusions are based on his own interpretive thoughts. Presence of a researcher in the classrooms may have affected the approach used by the instructors.

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The design of the study is unique as it is tailored to capture information from a specific audience. However, the findings reveal discrepancies in the approach utilized by two teachers when teaching cultural issues.



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