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Leadership in Quality

Leadership is not an easy task as many people perceive it to be. It requires effort, commitment, and sacrifice for one to become a good respected leader. Undoubtedly, a leader is born with leadership skills or rather a leader is God given (Weller & Weller, 2000). Many people share different opinions regarding the role of a leader in any setting. However, individuals need to understand that leaders are not perfect and that leadership is a continuous process of improving oneself carrying out a self-analysis process (Rao, 2006). Leadership aimed at empowering others is more preferable than the one which aims at exercising power and authority over others. We conducted an interview with Mr. Jaspal Bindra, who is the CEO of Tarkeer, sat a chartered standard and sought to find out what are specific features that make a leader stand out, especially the aspects of quality leadership (Fink, Markholt, Bransford, Copland & Michelson, 2011).

From the interview, I was able to list down five features that comprise a good leader and contribute to quality leadership. First and foremost, a leader is and should be a role model to the society, the organization that one works in and to the workers in general (Leatherman, 2008). A leader ought to lead by example and act exactly in the same way one would want his or her leader to act or behave. Being a role model means moving together with the subjects and showing them exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. This is the first step in achieving the required and expected results (Weller & Weller, 2000).


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Another aspect of quality leadership, as deducted from the interview, is that a good leader is to lead by example; actually, a leader works more than one’s subordinates. A leader is termed as good by one’s subjects if he/she can set the bar to higher levels that set a pattern of how tasks should be performed (Rao, 2006). Leading by example helps to motivate one’s subjects. Gone are the days when leaders would sit in the comfort of their offices and give orders around without lifting a finger to do anything. Leaders who are quality-, efficiency- and result-oriented are aggressive and work hand-in-hand with their subjects to achieve the expected outcomes (Fink, Markholt, Bransford, Copland & Michelson, 2000).

While the interview pertaining quality leadership is the welfare of the subjects, this draws another notable factor of the issue in question. A leader ought to make one’s subjects a top priority in all circumstances. A good leader is supposed to not only put first the well-being of his/her organization and achieving results but also consider the well-being of the employees (Weller & Weller, 2000). A leader should always have in mind that the entity one leads would be nothing without one’s subjects. Therefore, every leader must have proper understanding of what human resource is and focus on his/her subjects as a priority (Rao, 2006).

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Apart from that, quality leadership entails proper communication skills. This factor is vital in running of any entity as it is through communication that information is passed, orders and instructions are given (Fink, Markholt, Bransford, Copland & Michelson, 2000). Thus, a leader should hone communication skills so as to effectively communicate with one’s subjects, pass the right and required information without being vague or running the risk of miscommunication. A leader ought to always hit the point and cultivate the virtue of listening because information is two-way (Leatherman, 2008).

Action is another aspect of quality leadership I derived from the interview. At times, its becomes difficult for a leader to keep promises one made to subjects and this in most cases leads to disappointments from the subordinates (Fink, Markholt, Bransford, Copland & Michelson, 2000). A leader has to restrain from making promises that one would not honor in the long run.

In conclusion, Mr. Jaspal Bindra summarized the characteristics of a good leader to be honesty, attain good communication skills, have an ability to lead by example, have a sense of humor, be confident, commitment, have a positive attitude, be creative, intuitive and inspiring (Garvey, Lancaster &Wainwright, 2010).



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