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The Islamic World

The UAE is a state in the Middle East with a population of 2.3 million people. It has an ethnic mix of Amiri, South Asians, Iranians, Arabs and other minority races. The capital city of the UAE is Abu Dhabi with a population of about a half a million habitants. The UAE nationals employ the use of English, Persian, Arabic and Hindu languages in their interactions. The UAE climate characteristics includes high temperatures and humidity mainly due to the desert climate. The governance structure in the United Arab Emirates is ruled by a federation with an inheritance structure with specified powers. The prevalent religion in the United Arab Emirates is Islam (Reiser, 2011).

The United Arab Emirates is a culturally rich area with diverse people shaped by the prevailing conditions of the region. The cultural background dates back to the Arabic ancestral roots of the region. The society’s organization structure serves to preserve the cultural traits of the people in the society. The traditional lifestyles of people are vital to the people of the region dictated by the terrains of the region. The differences in the terrains such as desert, mountain, oasis and coast determine the cultures of the people of the region.


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Islam is a vital pillar in the lives of the citizens of the UAE. It cements the cultural practices of the region. The tribe of the region includes the Bani Yas tribe, Awamir and Mnasir tribes accustomed to the nomadic way of live. Urbanization plays a vital role in the current cultural practices of the people of the UAE. Interaction with other people of the outside world through tourism and other purposes influences the cultures of the locals. Places such as the fishing harbors and fish souqs the reflect culture of the locals. Other activities important to local culture include boat building, dhow races, camel races and other mechanisms to preserve their ancestral cultures.

The UAE composition is mainly of immigrants rather than the locals. This is mainly due to the vast resources of the region. The expansion of the basic amenities of the region as a result of the oil revenues attracts people from all backgrounds to the region. The original inhabitants of the area are relatively small compared to the growth potentiality of the area. The population of the area continues to increase as a result of the rich oil production capability of the country.

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The formal linguistic of the area is Arabic. However, the use of other languages is common in the area. This is due to the vast composition of the people of the region. Hindu, English, Hindu, Farsi, Urdu and Filipino languages make the composition of the languages used in the region. Family unit is the vital social organization of the society. Some of the vital symbols of the Arab nation include camels, falcon, coffeepot, pearling boat and date palm. The symbols refer to the country’s treasured features and historical significances. The historical pasts of the people are significant to the locals since it plays a crucial part in the daily behaviors of the inhabitants of the UAE.

One of the aspects of the culture it influences is the dressing habits of the locals. The traditional dress of a white robe commonly referred to as kandoura is a custom from the ancestral roots of the Arabic inhabitants of the region. The ghutrah a white garment that accompanies the official clothing custom of the area is also essential to the people. To complete the dressing culture of the people, it is common place for the men of the area have a short beard and mustache to accompany the kondoura. The women, on the other hand, have a different dressing from men, in the society (St, 2011). The women in the kingdom dress conservatively. The women usually wear a long dress attire that covers the head. The dress known as the hijab. The women also wear a black cloak also referred to as abayah in the local language.

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Recent cultural practices of the people of the UAE in-calculates the division of labor among the sexes in the kingdom. The learning institutions in the area discriminate between the different genders in the area. The female students in the universities are more than the male students. However, this does not reflect in the women participation in the labor force, in the kingdom. The main role of women is the raising up of children. The cultural practices of the region prompt the women to seek employment in careers which do not require interactions with the opposite sex.

The common greeting permitted by the Islamic culture is al-salam alaykom. The men in the society by a quick nose to nose contact while at the same time employing the shake of hands. However, the women in the society practice different forms of greetings. The women greet each other by a kiss on both cheeks several times. The men and female members do not shake hands in the open. In the customs of the locals, is the serving of refreshments while, at the same time, it is usual for the locals to inquire about the health of both individual and family of the concerned party. In the UAE, it is not common place to employ the use of first names of the persons concerned. The elders deserve respect from other members of society in that the junior members listen most of the times and talk less. It is also vital to invade individual spaces during conversations. Members of society from the same sex can hold hands in public. Finally, it is essential to preserve literature forms such as storytelling and poetry to convey cultures between subsequent cultures in the society.

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On the hand, Turkish culture is a stark contrast to the UAE culture on a number of ways. Firstly, the current culture of the Turkish people is a derivation from the ancient the ancestral Ottoman Empire. It also takes into consideration other cultures such as European and Middle Eastern and central Asian cultures into the mainstream cultures of the country. Modernization of the state initiation was by a ruler Mustafa Kemal in 1923. The main religion in the state is Islam as like as the UAE. The modern state of turkey draws its current traditions from ancestral regimes such as the Ottoman Empire.

The modern state of turkey proposes a strong separation between religion and the running of the administration of the state. One such difference from the Arab Emirates is the government dressings of women in government buildings. It is a regulation for women to wear permitted attire in government premises. Without the proper attire, the women do not get encouragement to use other form of attire in governmental buildings. This regulation, however, is under reform to in-calculate recent developments in the combat for sex fairness in the nation.

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The commonly used language in the country is Turkish. Islam constitutes 99% of religion the country. Other dominations occupy the remaining 1% 0f the remaining percentage. The foods consumed by the people of the region reflect the ancestral origins of the Turkish people. The Ottoman Empire past of the Turkish people influences the foods consumed by the people of the region. However, over time the Turkish consumption culture of the locals borrows from other cultures such as European and Asian cultures (Hafez, 2000).

The society is essential in the formation of the collective community of Turkey. It is vital to determine the general acceptable requirements of the community. The family is an essential part of the society and loyalty to it is also vital. Communication between members of society is usually indirect. Togetherness among the society members is also vital. This indirect communication reflects even in the business undertakings, in the country. The importance of the family unit in society, emphasis is by the prevalence of nepotism in the country.

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The competitiveness of the country is not compromised by the prevailing social and religious conditions in the country. The individual with the best accomplishments in a given profession is vital regality of gender. Conflicts among and between partners are not encouraged in the society. The society values education and professional developments in both women and men in society. Status is vital in the Turkish community. The status is by the emphasis of values such as femininity is not important in the community. The feminine part of society is best capture if the female counterparts perform poorly in the school and other technical areas. This means that comparability between the male and female counterparts in the society is not encouraged. The need for the preservation of the culture is essential shown by the traditional social norms of the Turkish people. The use of Islam religion is vital to preserve traditions of the country. The Islam religion of the region preserves the essential parts of the society. The regulations are strict to preserve the law and order of Islam.

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The cultures between the two cultures differs in the level of interference from other cultures. The level of exposure to factors such as modernization determines the level of interference of the Islamic cultures. One major difference between the two is the treatment of female individuals of society. The different levels of interference ensure that, cultures such as cuisines, dressings and society expectations are different in the countries. However, common traits such as common religion prevail.



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