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Materials and Manufacturing Report


This paper offers an analysis that looks at the performance and failure level of materials and manufacturing products, and describes how people can improve their performance by using alternative materials during all stages of manufacturing. Poor planning or choice of materials can cause a major setback that results in delays and additional costs or even cause serious harm to health during manufacturing. In some instances, poor manufacturing has become common owing to low quality materials chosen for projects, placing blame on lazy workers and incompetent supervision. However, it is usually not the case; instead, poor project planning is to blame for all the failures and losses incurred. In addition, ignorance of supervisors may result to productivity losses, since the problems are ignored at the initial stages of projects and their negative effects are realized only at the final stages; most frequent this results from the lack of analysis of the durability and quality of materials chosen.


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Coil Spring Failure

Several fundamental factors can cause the failure and fatigue in materials that can potentially lead to manufacturing problems. There are certain theories that best review the mode of approaches used for addressing occupational failure and fatigue of materials by transforming the interaction and action patterns. Productivity theory is a detailed structure of the ways manufacturers should deal with challenges that come from failure of materials to perform properly. Theoretical structures should consult all dynamics that can raise sales levels in manufacturing. In addition, theories should investigate and conceptualize the availability of materials required, because the theory attributes have immediate impacts on the elements that affect manufacturing level. On the other hand, such analysis also creates an orderly set of instructions on specific matters that are relational to material choice. According to Jones 1995, p. 99-187), a manufacturing organization that faces challenges and is unable to meet objectives set, requires a review structure to bring about changes that will contribute to good manufacturing. These changes in the end may influence the sales level of materials in terms of networking. Consequently, networking and performance analysis are the key factors to effective manufacturing.

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A material that commonly fails and has fractures or fatigue includes nickel coil spring. Most of the problems are caused by corrosion. During installation, the sprig is coated with epoxy power coating that may be damaged by friction of metals that get in contact with spring seats. Because of this effect, the metals begin to rust; the process is promoted in wet and cold climates. The rusting effect may be massive due to high levels of stress during recoil and compression; the metals develop weak points that cause them to break at the bottom or top of the springs. This effect gets worse with every higher levels of stress during coiling of rusted points. With such experiences, poor performance of the object in use is a common factor that may need replacement or improvements depending on the objectives set for the projects running. The coil spring fracture exerted by the constant rounds that cause the leather strap to pull away and eventually injuring the user. This problem can be prevented by proper supervision of materials before use (Barry 2002, p. 112-201).

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The CES 2013 Granta- Selector, support process choices, Performance and environmental factors.

In addition to this, coil spring is also commonly caused by factors such as poor selection of materials, design, process and service conditions. All these factors are influential in determining whether coiled materials manufactured will last longer and perform well as expected or encounter fractures during use and fail to perform. According to Current Employment Statistics (CES), manufacturing content used in materials should be chemically resistant so as will be able to withstand several effects during use. The work and processes used in manufacturing sites are risk bearing because they include usage of heavy equipment and machinery, hazardous materials, scaffolds, electrical wiring and other dangerous tools. This means that if manufacturers are not careful, serious injuries or death may occur on manufacturing sites or while using manufactured materials. It is more complex to maintain safety hazards, but with the right knowledge and determination, it is possible for manufacturing companies to achieve excellent and safe performance and eliminate potential health risks during manufacturing process. Manufacturing is among the heavily regulated jobs with controlled machines due to the numerous inherent risks associated with their use (Jones 1995, p. 99- 187).

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The employment statistic states that occasionally, manufacturing sites should be surveyed and a written report represented to ensure that all manufactured materials are in good shape and will not put the life of consumers in danger. For nickel coil springs, the first recommended step is a thorough physical inspection to identify any broken coils or empty spaces that lack coils. While these manufactured materials should be in good shape, it is not enough to safeguard the lives of the users. Therefore, additional information is necessary for the inspection to be successful. The coils should be chemically resistant, this way, no matter how many fractures they may encounter, the chemicals used for repairing them will not cause further damage to the repaired parts. In addition, during use there are materials that will constantly be in contact with chemicals, for example, vehicle parts encounter chemicals during monthly repairs. For this reason, it is important that materials are able to withstand the chemical effect to make them last long. When a coil is missing or damaged, it will produce a continuous twanging noise that will eventually lower the speed and performance of the objects produced. The materials could be even better if they were load bearing such that they can perform any kind of duty ranging from easy to heavy load without breaking down (Powell 1986, p. 267-299).

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In reference to this information, manufacturers may identify materials that use specific equipment and are efficient, and in turn maintain the use of such equipment that would be relevant in improving performance. Moreover, the time of manufacturing affects the choice of materials. Details of each material required need evaluation and planning ahead of time; this includes time allocation and availability of each material to avoid working in a rush. Details properties include durability, availability, quality, quantity, flexibility and affectivity. For materials with all these traits, manufacturers can begin their selection. Materials should last long in performance and maintain the standard of performance from the moment when they are replaced. They should be available in the market to ensure that the same materials are used in the whole object. This way it will be easier to monitor the performance because one can identify with ease when and where the problem occurs. The materials should be of good quality and quantity and the price should be affordable for the consumer (McEvily 2001, p. 332-358).

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Lastly, the chosen materials should be flexible in that they should be able to work under pressure and perform well without breaking down. Apart from this, manufacturers also need to consider several values such as the range of tensile strength and numbers made. This is necessary to ensure that different consumers’ needs in terms of buying and using products are met. Some consumers buy products not because they prefer using them but because they can identify with or have some sort of connection with other materials. For this reason, such consumers will prefer to use what they think will serve them well to feel that their needs have been met. Therefore, it is important that manufacturers offer a variety of materials with different level of resistance and of different numbers. Consumer-product relationship maintains affectivity through the lasting heritage of the manufacturer craftsmanship and creativity which contribute to consumers’ loyalty and trust over the years. To most consumers, their choice of materials can be compared to relationship with best friend because the materials stand the test of time with great attention to detail and design to come up with a perfect combination that makes the manufacturers stand out from other competing manufacturing companies (McEvily 2001, p. 332-358).

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Environmental factors such as cold and wet climate may cause constant damage to selected materials. For example, there are materials that cannot withstand cold weather without the outside coating, they tend to rust, hence, become weak and perform less effectively. For such materials, the manufacturers need to ensure that the outside coating is chemical resistant and less exposed to wet climate. In other cases, polluted environments may cause damage to materials; therefore, their strength becomes limited or destroyed. Such materials can be manufactured with other varying materials that will help to withstand negative environmental factors. This way, all materials will be effective and durable. Manufacturers also need encouragement to create unique and better materials that are set for all objects before the actual beginning of use. It is also important to set professional workers on-call to enable easy replacement in cases of failures or fractures in materials for consumers (Porter 2009, p. 179-263). 

This way, once sales and use began, there is no reason to stop consumers from using the materials they chose and look for replacements. Manufacturers need to choose their supervisors carefully, meaning they should be authoritative, committed, skilled and knowledgeable enough to perform their supervisor roles effectively. With such attitudes, materials selected for manufacturing processes will be skilfully and professionally chosen to ensure the safety, satisfaction and loyalty of consumers is maintained. On the other hand, manufacturers should also ensure that their products are far much better and convenient than other products because they have many beneficial offers and features that upgrade the experience of consumers in terms of using the materials. The elements of comparative buying and using of different materials by consumers are crucial to the success of manufacturing companies, since the  consumers and investors have different preferences in choosing which products and services to settle for. While comparative buying has advantages that give products a better position in the market, it also has limitations that may hinder the product growth and diminish its significance in the market (Porter 2009, p. 179-263).

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Other manufacturers may imitate original products yet increasing their durability and performance by making adjustments in failing areas and eventually gain leading position in the market. Through this, it is possible to automate the entire manufacturing process with only few adjustments made. Other loyal consumers who used the original materials in the past can also give their recommendations as to whether it was efficient in ensuring their safety. Manufacturers should ensure that full accurate information is accessible in selecting materials and procedures to use. Alternate views from collected wisdom for other sources in the past can help enhance the process accurately. For example, successful manufacturing companies can offer their methods along with the alternatives. They can also reveal which methods were efficient and which ones needed alternation; whether, the alternations worked and how efficient they were (Fournier 1998, p.1-2).

Damage of the surface leading to fast fracture or fatigue is preventable by thorough investigation according to employment policies of the end product before releasing to the market. Once the materials are out for sales, investors and potential buyers may require a report on the efficiency of materials. Stress corrosion or intergranular attack is preventable by developing user procedures for users. This includes offers such as warranties to ensure generals inspections of materials. The latter can be done monthly so that constant reports are kept to help monitor the durability and performance of materials. Once the report identifies the problems and weaknesses, consumers can then develop a replacement program that can help them replace weak parts whenever they encounter problems or reduced performance. The responsibility for careless choice of materials lies on the manufacturing company, hence, indicating its non-reliability. Such cases are normally punishable by law because they endanger the lives of users. The extent to which manufacturers align a project will tell the overall performance of selected and manufactured materials. Apart from this, they can land other sales and marketing opportunities that will ensure growth of small manufacturing companies (Fournier 1998, p.1-2).

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In conclusion, manufacturing work requires serious commitment to maintain safety of the process and effective results. The work and processes used in manufacturing sites are risk bearing because they include usage of heavy equipment and machinery. It is more complex to maintain safety hazards, but with the right knowledge and determination, it is possible for manufacturing companies to achieve safety and satisfaction of consumers. It is, therefore, necessary that manufacturers and supervisors understand the requirements of proper materials to manufacturer. This way, they will have the right knowledge and skills to apply during planning, selection, manufacturing and inspection. With the current changing trends in manufacturing preferences designs and materials, it is necessary for manufacturing companies to venture into new creative designing techniques in order to develop new procedures in manufacturing, as every design holds a different procedure for it to be successful. This way, manufacturers will not only gain publicity, but also safely create new techniques that will appeal to the public and maintain their image.



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