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Low density polythene is a thermoplastic that is made from the monomer ethylene. The experiment should be conducted using this chemical since it an important polymer. The low density polythene is preferred in conducting experiment since it is not reactive at room temperature apart from the strong oxidizing agents as well as some swelling. Low density polythene also is made in opaque variations having a flexible texture (Carraher, 2001). It is also used in this assignment since it has several carbon atoms. This means that its intermolecular forces are weak and have lower strength, which has a higher pliability. Carbon and hydrogen are also included in the low density polythene.

High density polythene is also used in this experiment. It is made from petroleum and has a large strength density ratio. It is commonly used in the production of plastic bottles, corrosion resistant piping as well as plastic lumber. High density polythene is commonly recycled due to its little branching and tensile strength. Generally, Polymers have become an imperative part of contemporary life. More so, polyolefins are a multi-billion dollar business due to the innovation of assorted ethylene catalysis by Karl Ziegler in the 1950s.1 Polyethylene has simple replicating units and its feedstock is the minute molecule ethylene (ethene). Nevertheless, polyethylene is produced from a diminutive and uncomplicated molecule but still has a very flexible polymer. Its versatility results from the reality that polyethylene with diverse microstructures can be produced by plentiful diverse processes to fabricate polymers with a wide range of physical and automatic properties. Polyethylene is defiant to most solvents and chemical dilapidation since it has the force of the saturated C-H bond. These properties have made polyethylene a foremost preference for relevance such as packaging, containers, piping, coatings, and landfill linings. Since polyethylene is such an imperative polymer in contemporary life, this experiment is based on progressing the properties of polyethylene through copolymerization with a confined polar alkenol using a constrained-geometry Group 4 catalyst. The experiment will also be conducted using polypropylene, a thermoplastic polymer that is used in packaging along with textile industries. There is an unusually resistant to several chemical solvents. Polypropylene is usually isotactic and a sudden level of christisnity.


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The effect of density and degree of Crystallinity on of polymers is usually linked to partial alignment of their molecular chains. These chains fold together while forming ordered regions called lamellae. These layers compose larger spheroidal structures known as spherulites. Polymers can crystallize after cooling from the melt, mechanical stretching also solvent evaporation. The degree of Crystallinity influences optical, mechanical, thermal as well as chemical properties of the polymer (Peacock & Calhoun, 2006). The degree of Crystallinity is determined by diverse analytical methods. Additionally, it usually ranges amid ten to eighty percent thus; crystallized polymers are usually called "semicrystalline". The characteristics of semicrystalline polymers are influenced by both the degree of Crystallinity, also by the size plus orientation of the molecular chains.

In the molten stage, crystalline polymers intimately look like amorphous polymers. Nonetheless, the authentic disparity amid the two results itself through cooling. As crystalline polymers cool, small areas of limited order form. These are exceedingly controlled and strongly packed areas of polymer molecules. These are predicted by the “polymer crystals” in crystalline polymers. Nevertheless, they do not resemble the crystals in salt or other inert materials. There are numerous models along with theories a propos of crystal formation although the trendiest is the “fringed micelle” model. The rate of crystallization is reliant on temperature, of which there are two importance points like the Tg. This is the glass transition temperature. Usually, below Tg, there is practically no molecular motion on a local scale. Polymers have several of the properties connected to regular organic glasses as well as hardness and stiffness. Tm is also a consideration also known as the crystalline melting point. This is the temperature at which crystals melt and a crystalline polymer is similar to an amorphous polymer. The amorphous polymer lacks a short-range order. Tm commonly amplifies as the degree of Crystallinity increases.

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Difference in the behavior of amorphous and crystalline material

Shrinkage is one of the differences amid the dimensions of amorphous and crystalline material. This is based on the fact that amorphous and crystalline material can be left in the mold to cool at room temperature. Molecules are prolonged when exposed to heat. This is comparable to the outcome of heating the air in a balloon (Woebcken & Stöckhert, 2009).The balloon usually expands and as the air in the balloon cools down the balloon results to a contraction. The condition is the same with plastic molecules. They enlarge when heated and contract when cooled. This level of contraction is known as shrinkage. More so, each substance has its own quantity of shrinkage. Shrinkage is typically classified in three orders: low, medium, and high. Amorphous materials contain a low shrinkage level while semi-crystalline materials have medium shrinkage. On the other hand, crystalline materials have a high shrinkage. Low shrinkage has ranges from 0.000 to 0.005 inch per inch. This implies that every inch of the part will shrink to such a level. Additionally, shrinkage is rated at a higher level per inch and is regularly written as ``in/in.'' Medium shrinkage ranges from 0.005 in/in to 0.010 in/in.  High shrinkage has a range that is everything above 0.010 in/in.

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Ways of improving elevated temperature stability of polymers

There is an extensive and existence growth in use of polymeric materials for scientific functions. it includes a massive variety, and the fact that radiation-processing has the latent to play an mounting role polymer manufacturing. The current ways of improving polymers include crosslinking, curing, sterilization, surface modification and lithography. This is the ability to reduce redundant material property alteration, which often occurs when materials are irradiated. It also includes the prediction of practical lifetimes, which vestiges a limiting factor in a number of existing emission technologies. Furthermore, the capability to organize unnecessary degradation is indispensable for triumphant execution of prospect, and superior radiation dispensation schemes.

The phenomena implicated in radiation-degradation are extremely compound. In some instances, it is appropriate for the stabilization comprehension, which is yet to be urbanized. In other cases, a purposeful stabilization scheme may exist. This means that their essential bases and details are exclusively in the hands of one or more private firms. The firms keep the information proprietary (Patel et al, 2010). Despite the needs of both developing and developed countries for radiation stabilization methodologies, there subsist only scrappy and broadly speckled research efforts in this area.  In this case, the results are habitually not well communicated. Correspondingly, the case of materials required in the manufacture of radiation-related facilities like nuclear power plants, particle-physics experimental facilities, radiation processing plants, nuclear waste storage technologies, space vehicles, future fusion reactors is included. The ability to expand radiation-resistant materials will persist to be a means of capacity of the widespread technology.

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Another way of improving polymers includes the configuration of network composition like crosslinking in polymers, which essentially undergo chain scission. Fluorinated polymers can be crosslinked by irradiation at high temperature. When the crosslinked substance is consequently exposed to radiation at or near room temperature in the course of its proposed application, it displays considerably improved resistance to radiation-induced transformations in properties from degradation (scission) effects. For pre-crosslinked PTFE, the emission resistance is augmented by two orders of magnitude. For a copolymer of C2F4 and C2F6, the pre-crosslinking progresses the radiation immovability by ten to fifty times. Radiation-crosslinking of fluoro-polyimide at eminent temperature also deeply increases its firmness, including its resistance to hydrolysis.

Another new method for enhancing polymer steadiness is through blending a crosslinkable polymer with a scissioning polymer. For instance, when the scissioning polymer, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), is blended with the crosslinking polymer, polyisobutylene (PIB) in a ratio of 70:30, the consequential material preserves its mechanical properties at high absorbed dose (such as 370 kGy), while the pure PMMA undergoes crucial degradation at an analogous dose (Haopeng et al, 2004).  In conclusion, the experiment is conducted using the three elements and the results vary differently dependent on the chemical plus physical characteristics of polymers. Polymers are also more in use in the modern world compared to other existing chemicals. This has led to devised technology due to the rampant application of the same ideology. The amorphous polymer also differs from the crystalline polymer since the react differently when exposed to heat.



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